Strange Happenings

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                    I slowly limp my way down to the bus stop and I'm super grateful to find this one has a bench.  My ankle is killing me after I've been on it all day.  I look at my watch it's 10:13 PM.  The bus was suppose to be here three minutes ago.  I hope it won't take too long.  Looking down the road for the bus, I see a man walking towards me.  I silently start to pray it isn't the same man as the one on the bus earlier.  As he gets closer I can't deny any longer that it is him though.  "Ok it's ok, he could just be taking the same bus as you to get home.  You don't know if it was the guy in the parking garage.  It's ok just think of your self defense training."  I'm trying to keep myself calm but the closer he gets goosebumps start to rise all over my arms.  Suddenly, I hear a loud engine come roaring down the street.  It's a 1969 Chevy Chevelle and it stops right in front of me.  Easton hops out of the car and opens the door for me. 
                     "Get in." He demands, and in this case, I gladly do as I'm told.  He stands outside my door for a little while longer just staring at the man approaching.  The man looks in the car at me but turns and walks away.  After Easton gets in the car and starts driving away he turns to me, "What are you doing sitting at a bus stop this late at night?! Are you an idiot??"   I was still shook up from the encounter earlier but that last insult was enough and I finally found my voice, "What is your problem?! I didn't ask you to pick me up.  I was waiting for the bus and it was late.  My coworkers left before I could ask for a ride because my dad's car broke down. Wait! Why am I even explaining myself to you?! You've been nothing but a total jerk to me since the day I met you.  If you don't like me why'd you even bother picking me up?!"   "Believe me baby doll I wish I didn't have to pick you up but unfortunately that's out of my control."  "Out of your control?! What are you flipping talking about? First Hanna with the arrangement comment and now you with this?? What is going on?"  I scream back.  "Nothing is going on if there's anything I can do about it so don't worry your pretty little head." He scoffs.   "Who was that guy anyway? I feel like he's stalking me or something."  I ask as I shake off the chill that runs down my spine.  "What do you mean stalking you? Have you seen him before?"  He asks looking me in the eyes for the first time since I met him.  "I uh, well um, yea, I think he was the guy in the parking garage a couple of nights ago,  when Hanna and Julie met me at the mall, and he was on the bus with me this afternoon."  I stammer under his intense gaze.  "Dammit!" He swears causing me to flinch.  "Look, you need to stop riding the bus to work and your bike to school don't you have a driver's license already?  Why don't you drive?"  He spits out again with the same arrogant attitude as earlier.  "I do have a license I just prefer to not drive.  Plus riding is so much healthier for you.  Wait! Again, why am I explaining myself to you?! I can do as I please and you're not going to tell me otherwise."  He just grumbles something under his breath and we stay silent for the rest of the ride home. 
          After pulling into my driveway I thank him for the ride and just as I'm about to get out he grabs my hand and sears me again with his intense gaze, "I mean it Charlee, don't take the bus anymore or ride your bike."  I snatch my hand away from him, stare him straight in the eye, and cooly reply, "Unless you tell me what's going on you have no business telling me what I can or cannot do and from now on stay away from me."  I get out of the car and walk into my house.  I was so proud of myself for not cowering under his intensity that it didn't even occur to me I never told him where I lived.
Just before closing the door to my house I hear his loud engine tear down the street. "What a drama queen." I mutter to myself. "Hey sweetie! I'm so sorry I couldn't pick you up was that one of your coworkers?" My dad asks as he pulls me in for a hug. "No, dad, he's just someone I know from school." "Oh ok, does he work there too?" As soon as my dad asks me this question it brings to mind a thousand and one more questions. How did that man know I was going to be there? Does he work at the mall? Why was he at the mall still? Was he waiting for me? What is going on? "Hello, Earth to Charlee, come back to us Charlee." My dad jokes as he waves his hand in front of my face. "Sorry dad, I spaced out I think I'm overtired I'm going to go to bed k?" "Ok goodnight sweetie! Oh, mom will be home tomorrow so I'll be able to pick you up from work for sure." "Thanks dad." I kiss him on the cheek and trudge upstairs.

   I stand looking out my window thinking of all today's events and I swear I see a pair of yellow eyes glowing at me from the trees. I rub my eyes and look again but they are gone. I am starting to think more and more that I really did hit my head and I'm slowly hemorrhaging. Either way, I think it will be best that I sleep with my window closed and locked tonight.

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