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It has been three weeks now since Easton has been in his wolf form. His body has fully healed except for the patches of fur that will not grow over his scars. Dr. Grant and Alex have been trying to convince me to shift but I refuse to do it. I don't want to leave Easton's side. My wolf has gotten very quiet. I think she feels I have abandoned her. "Charlee, your wolf needs to be released. It's not healthy to repress her for this long. She needs to run otherwise you're going to fall into a deep depression." Hanna and Julie have come in and it doesn't look like they are willing to take no for an answer. Neither one of them have ever been upset with me before today, and today they seem like they are on the verge of telling me exactly how they feel. "Alex will stay with Easton and if anything happens he will reach out to us." Julie rationalizes with me and I know I can't go any longer. Giving them a curt nod of my head I stand up and run my hands through Easton's fur and kiss the side of his nose.

We shift into wolf form and instantly my wolf takes over full of pent up energy ready to be released. We take off running through the dense forest and I am immediately thankful to the girls for convincing me to shift. I can smell the crisp smells of winter in the air and love seeing my large wolf paws in the snow. We have been running for about twenty minutes when Julie stops and picks up on something. What's that noise? She calls to us. Hanna and I perk our ears up to listen to what she hears and there it is a very quiet humming sound. We start looking around trying to find where the sound is coming from. Julie begins to walk towards me with a strange look in her eyes. Charlee are you..... her words are cut off as we hear a pounding sound coming through the woods and Alex's voice in our minds. Easton!!! I look up to see Easton shoot through the trees followed by Alex close on his heels. I am so taken aback my seeing Alex awake it doesn't register how quickly he is running at me. I begin to shuffle away from him not knowing what he is going to do. Julie and Hanna begin to snarl at him trying to circle around me. I have no idea what is going on. Easton snaps loudly at them until they are bowing under his Alpha command. I also begin to feel the weight of his command but I do not cower. I walk towards him, making him feel the weight of my power. I am the true Queen of this pack and I will not bow before him. We are equals and I did not sit three weeks by his bedside for his wolf to think he is the master here. As I continue to walk towards him I can sense something in him change. He shakes his head and begins to sniff the air. Just like in my dream, he walks towards me and begins to sniff and yip in excitement as he repeats "Paul" over and over again. I look at Hanna and Julie so confused by his erratic behavior.
Easton hearing my thoughts begins to smell and lick my stomach. He then turns his head towards my face and licks my nose. I hear his words in my mind. We are having a baby Charlee!" I was so caught off guard by having my Easton back that his words didn't even register to me. Easton! Is that you? Have you finally come back to me? I begin to whimper thankful that he is alive and he didn't get lost to his Wolf. His words begin to sink in. Did he just say baby? Did he say we are having a baby? I look at him completely lost in thought. I begin to hear a loud buzzing sound in my ears and everything starts to go black.

"Charlee! Charlee wake up babydoll. Come on you're ok. There you go." I hear Easton's words calling me from a distance. I open my eyes to the bright sky and I find myself laying in the first still covered in nothing but a blanket. Easton is standing in front of me with a pair of pants on and I see the deep gashes across his stomach that never healed. I reach my hand out to touch them, touch him. "I never thought I'd see you again." I say as tears escape from my eyes. Easton takes me into his arms as he rubs the tears from my face. "Don't cry my love I'm here. You were the one who kept me from losing myself to my wolf. You and Paul." He says as he rubs my belly. I place my hand on top of his and know everything is going to be ok. "I love you Easton." I say as he leans down to kiss me.

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