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After the ceremony we head to the hall for our reception.  "Don't be nervous my love, everyone already loves you."  I laugh at that, "Oh really and how can you possibly know that?"  "Charlee, didn't Hanna and Julie already explain to you?  In a wolf pack you can hear all the thoughts and feelings of other members.  Of course, you can block them from hearing all your thoughts and you hearing all their thoughts but you do have to practice turning it off." "Oh, great I wish I knew how to do this before we mark each other and can hear every entire wolf in our kingdom."  I retort back sarcastically.  Easton just laughs at me again, "It's ok babydoll I'll teach you how to do it after I mark you." 
          After meeting the pack and celebrating our new life Easton and I get into an SUV waiting for us at the front of the church and head to a secluded cabin deep in the forest.  This cabin isn't anything short of elegant and has all the upgrades.  Hanna and Julie took it upon themselves to pack my suitcase and after the last outfit Hanna picked out for me I'm a little worried with what I will find this time.  After we get settled in Easton asks me to take a run with him.  I haven't changed into my wolf in a week and I can feel her excited energy at the thought of shifting.   While we are out running Easton stops in front of an opening tucked into a rock formation.  He motions for me to wait while he ducks inside to shift back and change into some jeans.  He comes out with just his jeans on and I see his muscular body through my wolf's eyes and again feel the heat in my stomach.  His abs look as if they have been carved from stone, and he has a deep V running under the band of his jeans.  His arms are massive and he looks as if he could destroy anyone that tried to attack him.  "Babydoll your wolf is giving off enough scent that you will bring out every single wolf in a 100 mile radius.  I don't think you'll want me to have to kill for you but I will, so why don't you go shift and get that sexy ass back to me."  I can see the lust in his eyes and I step into the cave to shift.  I find a box sitting on the floor with my name on it.  When I open it I find a black lacy-see through gown- and a matching lacy thong.  "Ugh Hanna! I'm going to kill you!" I mutter to myself.  Looking around to see if there is anything else I could wear I accept defeat and put on the outfit knowing I will still be pretty much naked even with it. 
           Self consciously I walk back to Easton and when he turns around his eyes widen and his pupils instantly dilate.    He is at my side before I can even blink twice with his hands in my hair kissing me with a passion I didn't know he possessed.  He takes my tongue into his mouth and I can taste the spearmint on his breath.  His hands begin to roam freely up my body.  He cups the cheeks of my butt tightly and I feel the growl resonating in his throat.  He continues his upward decent and for the first time in my life I feel his hands run over the tops of my breasts.  I gasp with the new sensation and feel my core begin to heat up and tighten.  "I can smell your arousal."  He whispers in my ear.  I can hear the tightness in his voice like he is using every ounce of his self control.  In the next moment he has picked me up and placed me down on a fur rug in the middle of the cave.   He begins to explore my body with his lips.  Starting at my neck, again he nuzzles his nose into the pocket of skin between my shoulder and neck.  He then slowly moves his way down but stops to look at me asking for permission with his eyes.  I give him a slight nod with my head and he begins to lower the strap on my shoulder.  He follows his fingertips with his lips.  As he has completely lowered the gown and set my breasts free of their bind he sucks in a deep breath.  Self consciously I begin to cover myself but he stills my hands before I can.  "You're beautiful Charlee, you will never need to hide yourself from me.  I will never be able to take my eyes off of you again."  Blushing I reach up and run my hands through his soft black hair.  He runs his hands over the sides of my breasts and then takes each nipple between his fingertips and squeezes.  I gasp with pleasure at this new sensation.  "Has no one ever done this to you before?"  He asks with a smirk on his face.  "No, I've never even kissed anyone before you."  Again my face heats with embarrassment but I see an emotion play over Easton's face that I don't understand.  "Charlee you have no idea how that sentence made me fall even more in love with you.  To know that no man has ever seen what I'm seeing right now makes me feel like I have won the jackpot for life."  With that he lowers his head and begins to flick my nipples with his tongue and suck on them making my core begin to ache with a sensation I've never felt.   "I can smell your increasing arousal Charlee and I'm having a hard time controlling myself.  If you don't want to go further you need to tell me now or I'm worried I won't be able to stop."  "I don't want you to stop."  I whisper knowing that this is the right time to give myself to him.   He slowly begins to kiss his way down my body lowering my gown as he goes.  When he has removed it completely he begins to kiss down the left side of my hip working his way up the inner side of my right leg.  He hooks his fingers into my lacy thong and discards it somewhere on the ground.  Once I lay before him completely naked he lowers his head to my core and licks my heated center.  Instantly I begin to shake with this new sensation.  While he is licking me I feel my stomach begin to tighten as my climax builds.  Slowly he enters a finger into my wetness and I gasp at how amazing it feels.  As my climax begins to build faster Easton pulls away and replaces his lips on mine.  "Are you ready Charlee?"  He asks one more time giving me the option to say no.  I nod my head and bring my hands to his face.  "I love you Easton, and I don't want to wait any longer.  "This may hurt my love but I will try to go as gently as I can."  He warns before he begins to enter inside of me.  As promised he goes slowly and gently and I can feel myself tightening around him.   I gasp when he pushes I'm tearing away the last remnant of my virginity.  He stills himself waiting for the pain to subside.  "Are you ok?"  He asks concern prominent in his eyes.  "Yes, I'm ok now."  But the tears in my eyes give away my lie.  "Babydoll I'm so sorry."  Easton says kissing my tears away.  "I'll stop I don't want you to be upset and I hate myself for causing you pain."  He begins to pull away but I stop him.  "No Easton, I don't want to stop you feel amazing and I want to know what I have been missing out on."  I replay again my face heating up.  Easton smiles back at me, "I love you so much Charlee." He continues again slowly thrusting inside of me and as I begin to mold to his length I feel the climax building again in my stomach.   The closer I get to my release I begin to feel my wolf take over.  I feel my teeth begin to dilate and my eyes begin to see in HD.  I look up at Easton and I see his wolf had also come out.  "Im going to mark you now Charlee and claim you as mine."   As he finds his release he sinks his teeth into the pocket on my neck. I cry out with a mind numbing climax.  In that moment I hear his words in my head.  "You're mine Charlee and I will love you for as long as I am alive.  After he has marked me he licks the bite and shows his neck to me.  My wolf is in overdrive and I can smell his seed.  I find the spot on his neck as if it is marked with an X and I sink my teeth in.  I can taste the iron of his blood on my teeth.  When I have removed my teeth from his skin I repeat his move and lick the bite.  "I will love you forever Easton."  I say right before I am taken over  by exhaustion.

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