From Man to Wolf

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"This is a dream isn't it, that day I fell off my bike, I really did hit my head didn't I? You are all the nurses and doctors that are in my room discussing what to do with me and, and, and, I'm just dreaming you up in my head. There is no way this is real." They all look at me with a mixture of amusement and concern except for Eve but she's just a biatch and I couldn't care less about her opinion. "Listen Charlee, I know this is a lot to take in." Hanna gently places her hand on my arm and leads me back to the bench I was laying on. "You are in a lot of danger mostly because of my jackass brother over here." Easton growls and changes back. It was just as shocking to see him turn back into a man as seeing him turn into a wolf. "Does it hurt?" "You get used to it after about the twentieth shift but the first one is definitely the most painful." Garrett responds earnestly. "Garrett!" Julie screams and hits him. "Can't you see the poor girl is already traumatized enough!"

Hanna steps in, "Boys and Eve." The way she says Eve's name makes me think she doesn't care for her that much either, "I think you need to let Julie and me explain the situation to Charlee. There is a lot to talk about and I think some things might make her feel embarrassed if you are here. At this Eve rolls her eyes and walks out but the guys just nod and say bye. Easton looks at me one last time almost as if he's trying to make up his mind about saying something. I guess he thinks better of it because he also leaves quietly.
"Do you know where you got your name from?" Hanna asks me. "Yea, my grandpa's name was Charlie and my parents named me after him. They thought I was going to be a boy, obviously they were wrong." I reply shrugging my shoulders. "Right, and do you know how your grandpa Charlie died?" Julie questions me this time. "Well, my parents told me he went backpacking in Europe or something and he was murdered while he was there. They wanted his money so instead of just taking it and leaving they thought it would be best to make sure he couldn't report it. It's really sad though because my dad said he only took fifty bucks with him that day."
Hanna and Julie both look at each other a little shocked before Hanna continues. "Charlee your grandpa was not murdered that day for fifty dollars. He died during a war. Your Grandpa was the King of the werewolves until my father killed him for the title and territory." I look at her not knowing what to think, if what she's saying is true than shouldn't we be enemies? "Please let me explain further." She begs after seeing the confused and worried look on my face. "In werewolf, er, culture, as you would say there are packs all over the world and each pack has an Alpha. My father was the Alpha of the Felle Maan pack in the Netherlands and he was a very cruel man. He was constantly stirring up the other packs trying to gain more territory from King Charlie. When your grandpa settled down here in Michigan to start a family, my father began to plot and scheme. He finally had enough packs to go to war against your grandpa and he started killing off members of the guard and their families. Your grandpa was notified of what was happening and came back immediately. It was during one of the attacks that my father challenged your grandpa. During the fight Charlie became distracted for some reason and my father took advantage and killed him. By killing him he took title as King, and ruled terribly for almost 18 years."  I interrupt her at this point, "Ok, so who's ruling now?" "Easton is now the King." Julie states.   "Oh wow, so how'd your dad die Hanna?"  Hanna and Julie both look at each other before she answers, almost as if they are talking privately.  "Two years ago Easton challenged my father and won."  "Wow that's insane why would he challenge his own dad? And what does this all have to do with me? I mean your dad beat my grandpa and your brother beat your dad so why am I being hunted down by um...."  "Werewolves."  Julie cuts in.  "Right, werewolves, why do wolves want me dead?" 
                "My brother challenged my father because he was a terrible person and an even more terrible leader.  He was bankrupting pack after pack for his own personal gain. He became money hungry and power hungry the longer he stayed in reign. My brother couldn't standby watching this corruption anymore.  My brother has been in rule for two years now, and has completely brought back the economy.  The reason this is now effecting you is because we found the original wolf laws that were being hidden by my father.  In the original Law it states that anyone can challenge the King for right to rule if they believe the King is unjust, but if the King is to have a female descendant born she is, by law, to marry the new King.   In all the years of wolf royalty you are the first female ever born."  I look at both of them trying to understand what they are telling me.  "Ok so let me get this straight, you're telling me because my grandpa was a Wolf King I have to marry your brother? That's ludicrous why on Earth do I have to follow a law that was probably made 6,000 years ago?"   Hanna gently puts her hand on my arm, "The reason it is so important for you to marry him is to make sure all the packs stay in check. The reason wolves are trying to kill you is because they want Easton to take one of their daughters as Queen.  This is the first time an unmarried King has been in reign.  The day your grandpa died was September 16, 2001."  I look at her surprised, "Hey, that's my birthday!"  She nods back at me, "Yes, it is and it was the day that you actually became Queen by default.  Since you haven't had your first shift yet, that technically makes Easton the true King still. When you shift, this will be the first time in all of history that there is a true King and true Queen, you two need to bond and reign over all the wolves.  We do not want another war and that could happen if you don't marry my brother."

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