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I wake up with a pounding head.  And begin to tremble as the memory comes back to what has happened.  I can't stop shaking fearing the torture that will be inflicted upon me again.  Hopefully this time they will skip the torture and just kill me.  I don't think I can go through another round of that again. 
          "I checked her mark Eve, she hasn't been marked yet.  Easton will not be able to find her."  I hear Garrett's voice as they are heading down the hall to my cell.   "Are you positive? We can't have him finding her.  We need to kill her.  If what you said is true we cannot let her have a son.  All of our work will be lost.  You need to challenge Easton, Garrett, we depend on you winning."  "I am positive.  Easton told me their marks were exactly the same when we were still in Michigan except for the wording.  I saw his mark last night, it looks exactly like her mark now. They have not bonded yet. He was probably repulsed by her as soon as he saw her naked, knowing the Goddess he had before."  Garrett reassures Eve.  They don't know I am Queen yet! They can't stop me signaling to Easton.  I search my brain picturing Easton in my mind and call out to him.  My mind sending wavelengths like extended arms reaching for him in the dark.  Easton, I need you.  I am in trouble.  I call to him over and over but can't seem to gain his attention. 

                  "Well, history sure does like to repeat itself doesn't it, you little bitch."  Eve roughly grabs my face and I can't help but shake at her touch.   "Look at you.  You are a pathetic excuse for a Queen.  You are so weak I don't know what Easton sees in you.   Oh, but maybe he sees nothing after all he couldn't even bring himself to mark you.  Pity, you're going to die here like the worm you are."  She slaps me hard across the face.   I begin to shake again but this time not from fear.  I shake with an all consuming rage.  I begin to shift my wolf completely taking control.  As I start to shift I can feel the silver in the cuffs binding my wrists and ankles burning deep into my skin.  It doesn't matter though I am so enraged nothing is going to stop me. I make a complete shift and break the chains as if they are made from paper. I see Eve tremble and I can smell their fear in the air. It is too late though, my wolf is in full form and she is going in for the kill. Garrett and Eve shift simultaneously and begin to pace around me. Garrett is the first one to lunge at me but I feel his thoughts and instantly knock him down. He whimpers as one of his rib bones snaps and I can hear it puncture his lung. He heals almost instantly and begins circling again. My eyes are locked on Eve. I am going to make her pay for all the pain she inflicted on me. Again, Garrett lunges at me, but before he can make it across the room Alex comes barreling in, in his giant wolf form. While he is busy with Garrett I begin to stalk Eve. Realizing she is no match for me she bounds out of the room trying to put as much distance as she can between us. Unfortunately for her, I can sense her every move and I catch up to her easily. I leap on to her back sinking my teeth deep into her throat and toss her like she is nothing more than a rag doll. Before she has time to get up, I jump on her again and slash her across the face with my sharp claws. I can sense her trying to beg for mercy. But no mercy will be given. All of her words come back and fuel my rage. Again, I bite down on her throat and sink my teeth in until I hear the snapping of her neck. This woman will never have the opportunity destroy my family again.

Alex comes running out still in wolf form. It's about time someone put that mangy bitch down. He reaches out mentally high fiving me. I yip at him
proud of my handy work. Where is Easton? I tried reaching out to him earlier but I couldn't find him. I ask with concern lacing my voice. I'm not sure either. I haven't been able to get ahold of him all day. I only found you because in your moment of anger you reached out to the girls and I. Hanna and Julie are currently trying to reach out to the pack in France to see if they have seen Easton. He informs me but I can sense the concern coming off of him. Julie and Hanna meet us halfway back to the house and toss us some clothes. "We found him!" Hanna sobs. "He was ambushed by Victor shortly after he arrived in France. Doctor Grant is on his way there now. He doesn't know if he's going to make it. We need to hurry!" I change as fast as I can dread filling my stomach.

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