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The rest of the car ride was mostly in silence as I was thinking and rethinking over everything I learned tonight. I really want to find this mark now. I wonder what it will look like.
A short while later we are pulling into the driveway of my dark house. I completely forgot everyone was out of town. I feel a little apprehensive staying by myself tonight but I know I can't call Jocelyn. Easton seems to have sensed my tension, "Your parents aren't home?" "No they went out of town for a work conference. With all the excitement tonight I completely forgot about it." Easton frowns and slides out of the car. He opens the door for me and takes my hand to help me out. When we arrive at the door I turn to thank him for bringing me home but instead he grabs my keys, opens it, and lets himself in. "What are you doing?" I ask with extreme curiosity. "If you think I'm letting you stay here by yourself you're crazy. We really shouldn't stay here at all now that scouts are being sent to find you, so I'll be sleeping with you tonight so where's your room?"
I stare at him with my mouth open wide. Did I hear him correctly did he just say he's sleeping in my room with me? "I'm sorry what? You think you're sleeping in my room, with me? You're crazy. I don't even know you and I haven't even decided if I like you yet." He grabs his heart playfully as he fiends hurt. "I'm heart broken baby doll. But you heard right, I'm not letting you out of my sight. After all, I did promise to play nice from now on, and that wouldn't be very nice of me to leave you alone with big bad wolves out there." I roll my eyes at him a little relieved that I won't be alone tonight.
We enter my bedroom and Easton looks around at my things. I'm not really a hoarder so I don't have much. I have pictures of my family and a couple of me and Jocelyn. I have a few pom-poms hanging on my vanity mirror. Just kidding, like I could ever by a cheerleader, please.  But my pride and joy is my big beautiful queen sized bed. I begged my parents to get me a queen bed when I turned 15. It's glorious, it's like sleeping on a cloud. A cloud that Easton happens to be getting comfy on. "What are you doing?" He looks at me confused. "Do you think you're sleeping on the bed with me?" Again, He looks at me as if there is no problem. "Ohhhh no buddy no way you're sleeping on the floor." He laughs at me. "The floor? Your bed is big enough for both of us. I'm not sleeping on the floor." He looks at me with a challenge in his eyes. "Ugh! You Wolf Kings and all your pride!" I mutter as I grab clothes to go change. I hear Easton laugh at me as I walk into the bathroom.
As I'm stripping down to my undies I'm looking at all the bandages on my ribs and on my arm. I probably should go see a doctor about my wounds too, I don't want them getting infected. I pull my pink tank over my head and some matching pink shorts and head back to bed. When I walk in Easton has taken off his shirt and is laying on top of the covers. It's impossible not to stare! It's like looking at a sculpture he looks so perfect. I suppose men aren't generally described as beautiful but he looks beautiful just laying there. His arms under his head, and his lashes pressed smoothly against his cheeks. Slowly a smile creeps across his face and he starts chuckling under his breath. "You should take a picture baby doll, that way you can look at me whenever you want." I turn bright red knowing that I've been caught and I turn off the light and jump in bed. "No funny business mister! You keep your hands on your side of the bed!" This just causes him to laugh again and with that I fall asleep quickly.
The next morning, I wake up feeling like I am glued to a furnace. As I open my eyes, I realize sometime through the night I shifted and am laying curled up to Easton. He has his arm around me and my legs are over his. My face pressed against his chiseled chest. I always thought that guys smelled in the mornings, and that's why they always took showers first thing, but he smells delicious. He has a smell of woods but not pine more like an oak and rain combo. I slowly peel myself away from him but he grabs me and brings me in tighter. "Don't leave yet. I feel so comfortable with you here next to me." I look at him shocked there's no way he's saying that consciously, he must be dreaming of someone. I again try to get up and this time he looks at me and sighs, "I guess you have more important things to do than lay with me a little longer huh?" He asks pouting. I look at him shocked and start to stammer, "I, me? Uh, well I mean no, I just thought you were dreaming or something." "I really like it when you get all flustered it's cute." He says winking at me as he goes to pull on his shirt. Come on I'll make you some breakfast. He grabs my hand and leads my downstairs and I think to myself that maybe we can get along after all.

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