Family Secrets part 1

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"In order for you to understand everything I need to start from the beginning." My dad steps in to take over. "And, like your mother said you will not like this story, but please Charlee I'm begging you to let me finish it before you say anything." I instantly begin to feel my shoulders tense as I wait for the impact of this story. Easton feeling my tension takes my hand and begins to softly rub it with his other hand.

"When I was 10 I my met best friend Paul playing at the lake here in town." My father begins. "From that day on Paul and I were inseparable. We did everything together. If you saw one of us, you would quickly find the next one close by. During the summer of our 8th grade year Paul went off to summer camp and I never understood why I couldn't go. But Paul came back different." As he's telling this story it very much reminds me of my story with Daniel. And I am starting to connect some dots. "When he did come back we quickly fell into our same routine but I could tell something was different. Finally, our sophomore year of high school I was no longer able to resist my curiosity anymore. Paul was changing physically, his moods were changing, he was disappearing for weeks at a time. I was worried he was doing drugs or taking steroids or something. I've never seen a sophomore in high school turn into-well something close to you" my dad states gesturing to Easton. "At first Paul would try to play it off tell me I'm overthinking everything and to let it go. Until one fateful night he could no longer hide what was happening to him. It was late into the night maybe 2 or 3 in the morning when I'm awakened by a knocking at my window. Paul fell into my room covered in blood and his face was so pale it was almost gray. Paul! I shouted trying to find out what happened. Get my dad, quick Sam, get my dad. I ran as fast I could to his house and bang on the door yelling for his dad to come down. Hurry! Hurry! I shout practically dragging him to my house. What is it Sam, what's happened? It's, Paul! I.... I don't know what happened but it's bad. We run into my room and find Paul unconscious on my bedroom floor. Paul! His dad shouts trying to shake him awake. Paul groans quietly and I hear him mumble silver to his dad. Quickly! His dad shouts to me. Help me get him home! I grab Paul's legs and his dad grabs his arms and we quickly carry him across the street. Shouldn't we call the ambulance I shout in my panicked state. No! Whatever you do, don't call the hospital. Paul's dad shouts back. After we get him inside Paul's dad takes off his shirt and I see two bullet holes. One in his shoulder and the the other in the side of his chest. What the hell is going on?! I shout grabbing my hands in my face. What happened to him? Is he in a gang? I shout at Paul's dad. Calm down son grab a towel and put pressure on his wounds, I am going to call the doctor. I quickly do as I'm told and start applying pressure to the wounds. Within minutes a man I've never seen shows up to their house and starts to tend to Paul's wounds. Quickly, he has the bullets removed and Paul is bandaged up. He was lucky to live the doctor tell us, the wound was inches shy of hitting him in the lung. It was a silver bullet so it will take longer for the wounds to heal. He needs to stay in bed and rest. The doctor firmly grasps my shoulder and tells me that if it wasn't for my quick response Paul wouldn't have made it. After he has left and we get Paul's blood cleaned up his dad sits me down and hands me a drink. You're going to need this for what I'm about to tell you son so drink that down quick and I'll pour you another one. I do as I'm told and drink the whiskey down fast trying to calm my shaking nerves. Once his dad has refilled mine and his drink he sits down and contemplates his words. Paul has told me you have been asking him what is happening and why he has changed so much. He has been wanting to tell you for years, but I forbid him. In light of the events that occurred tonight I can no longer keep you out of this, and I am begging you for your honor as a man not to breath a word of this to anyone. I take another sip of my drink at the enormity of what he is asking me. Is any of this illegal? I ask, because if it is, it's better I walk out that door and don't find out what's happening here. No, Sam his dad smirks at me. None of this is illegal but it is not something that is disclosed to the public. Go on, I say waiting with my breath held for what he is about to tell me. Sam, Paul along with myself, that doctor you just met, and countless others in this town are werewolves. I look at him thinking this is some sick joke, and am about to leave but before I can his dad transforms in front of my eyes into the biggest wolf I have ever seen in my entire life. His fur was white as snow. I have never seen a more regal animal in my life. I never thought I would describe a wolf as beautiful but he was the most beautiful wolf I have ever laid eyes on. Soon after he transformed he walked into the kitchen and came back a few moments later dressed in different clothes. He sat back down in his chair and continued. I know this is all confusing but I must swear you to secrecy. Paul was shot tonight by some scouts from another territory. Why was he shot though? I asked so confused. He's just a kid. Being a kid doesn't matter if you're related to the King of werewolves. Paul's dad says to me.

Easton gasps at my side and slowly the weight of his words are sinking in.

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