History Repeats Itself

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              I see a group of people, no wait,  people is an understatement, these must be Roman Gods and Goddesses come to Earth to remind us peasants we are mere worms compared to them.  How on Earth can so many good looking people exist?  I can feel my eyes water as I look at them, ok that's an exaggeration but words cannot describe the sight walking my way.  "Baby!" A beautiful blonde amazon squeals as she comes running towards us.  Obviously she's not calling me that, sorry ladies and gents, Trojan Warrior has a girlfriend.  Of course. 
          Coming behind this beautiful blonde is another masterpiece with blonde hair and the greenest eyes you have ever seen I swear his teeth almost sparkle when he smiles.  Next, is one of the most beautiful girls with the darkest hair and bluest eyes I've ever seen, she must be related to the Trojan.  "Brother..." yup, I called it they both have these eyes that are almost as blue as sapphires.  "Hello my darling sister, so glad you could acquaint us this early in the afternoon I know how you love your beauty sleep." He lovingly teases her.   "We can't all wake up looking as fabulous as you." She winks and playfully hits him across the arm.  "Where is Easton?" The Trojan asks.  "Oh you know East, he makes his own way when he damn well pleases."  She says just realizing I'm sitting there gawking at them like a fool.  "Oh, hello I didn't know my brother made a friend already.  I'm Hanna."  She holds out her hand to me and I slightly hesitate not feeling worthy enough to shake it.  "Hi," I say as a return her shake, "I actually haven't met your brother yet."  "Well, allow me, this is my brother Alex, and this is his girlfriend Julie."  "Hi." I say shaking his and Julie's hand.  It's very nice to meet you.  "And this is Garret he's been a family friend for ages."  I turn and shake hands with the beautiful blonde boy and can almost feel myself getting lost in his green eyes.  Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted by the loud roar of an engine.  I turn to see the nicest 1969 Chevy Chevelle a person could ever lay eyes on, pull into the parking lot. 
          The world literally seems to fade away when my eyes fall on the most amazing man, I think I will ever see in this lifetime, exit his vehicle.  I thought Trojan over here was huge and I realize I was unmistakably wrong.  This guy was at least 6'3 and at least 215lbs of solid muscle.  Like seriously?!? What has their mother been feeding these kids?!  As he walks closer I notice he also has blue eyes but his aren't the sapphire blue like Trojan and Hanna's his are light blue like deep pools that you can drown in.  "Well, it's about time you show up!" Hanna interrupts my thoughts.  "We were just meeting one of the new students here at school! Easton this is, well actually,  you never told us your name what is it?"  "Charlee." I say and they all look at each other with a shocked expression that if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't have noticed.  "Easton this is Charlee. Charlee, Easton."  She says a little wearily.  "Uh, hi I say reaching out my hand."  He looks at my hand and then down at me like I am a bad taste in his mouth.  He then walks past me calling to his family and friends to head in to get registered.  Garrett stopped in front of me before heading off with the others, "Don't worry about him he'll come around, see you later."  "Uh, thanks?" I say confused why would I care if he comes around or not.

             The rest of the day passes in a blur.  I hadn't seen the Gods and Goddesses for the rest of the day but you better believe I heard about them in every class.   Every story surrounding them getting more ridiculous as the day went on.  Finally, it was the last period of the day and I had class with Jocelyn and thank God her face- sucking boyfriend was not in the class with us.  "Charlee!" She squealed, "Have you heard about the new kids that started at school  today?!"  "Yea, I met them, while you were, yet again, sucking face with Scotty Poo.  Seriously, doesn't that get old already?!"  I ask pretending to gag myself.  "Wait! What?! You met them?!? You mean you actually had a conversation with the Kings and Queens of the Netherlands?!"  "Kings and Queens of the Netherlands?! What are you talking about?!"  "That's the rumor going around that they are here from the Netherlands they are descendants of Vikings." Well, the Viking part makes sense they are huge but, ugh, typical high school kids being over dramatic as usual.  "Ok well, I dunno about all that but, anyway, they're nice.  Except for Easton, he's a total douche."  She just laughs and continues to bombard me with questions for the rest of the period. 
               The last bell of the first day finally rings, I am so ready for this day to be over!  Walking to my bike I see the Gods and Goddesses talking with the preps, go figure, I think as I roll my eyes.  Then Daniel steps out and sees me.  "Oh hey pudding!" He yells.  I'm sure I don't have to explain that nickname.  "I see you grew some real boobs over the summer."  I look down mortified that my boobs popped out of my bra and my nips were totally poking through my shirt.  I didn't think my face could feel any hotter than it did the first day of freshman year I was beyond wrong.  For a split second, I thought I saw Easton's eyes flash red but then he just rolled them at me in disgust and walked away.  At least Hanna and Julie were nice enough to give me sympathetic looks before they followed after him.  I wrapped my arms around myself and ran to my bike.

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