Unwanted Interactions

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After Garrett drops me off I hobble upstairs. I really hope the manager doesn't notice me limping on my first day of work, I worry as I get ready for work. Nobody is home yet so I send my mom and dad a reminder text and head out. I take the bus to the mall again, but when I get on it I see a man sitting at the back. He looks like the same guy I saw standing by the white van last night but it was too dark in the parking garage for me to get a good look. Either way, I sit right in the front next to the bus driver just to be safe. When the bus pulls up to the mall I hop off and rush in without looking back. I felt like the guy was staring holes into my head the whole ride over!
I walk into the movie theater loving the smell of popcorn. I seriously don't think I could ever get tired of that smell. "Hello, you must be Charlee, I'm Anne I'm one of the managers here and I'll be showing you the ropes today." As I stare at her I'm instantly reminded of homemade cookies and milk. She has the nicest motherly face. She seems like the kind of person that gives nice hugs and never judges anyone. I immediately like her. "Thank you Anne! I'm super excited to be working here!" "That's great! Today I'm going to teach you how to run concessions because this is the part that's the trickiest, time management wise, and once you get the hang of it I'll step aside and let you take over. This over here is Cody, he started about a month ago but he could probably run the place by himself. He will help you if you get into a bind." Cody reaches his hand out to me. He has gorgeous mocha colored skin but his eyes are a beautiful bright green,  and his smile literally lights up his whole face!!
"Hi! As Anne already said, I'm Cody! It's nice to meet you Charlee! We are going to have a fun time!" I take his hand and say hello and am quickly pulled away by Anne again. Just as she is showing me how to use the popcorn machine all the Viking Gods decide to come in and watch a movie. "Charlee!" Julie screams!! "Look at you in your cute little movie outfit being so independent and shit. I love it!" I just roll my eyes and laugh. "What are you guys doing here?! You're not trying to get me in trouble on my first day are you?" "Of course they aren't,"'Cody steps in, "I'm sure they are here to see me right?! Slap me some skin!" He high fives and man hugs all the guys in that weird way all guys do. While he's bro hugging Easton, we make eye contact. "So, Charlee," The way Easton says my name makes me extremely self conscious. It's almost as if he's rolling it around in his mouth to decide if he likes the way it tastes. "Did you start working here so you can finally have clothes that fit?" He gave me the most condescending looks as he walks past me to his theater. I'm shocked into silence, I don't even know this guy why is he being such an arrogant asshole?! "Easton!" Hanna hisses after him. "Just because you're not ok with the arrangement doesn't mean you need to be rude to the poor girl!" "Arrangement? What is she talking about?" I ask the rest of the group seriously confused. "Don't worry about that sweetheart, Easton can be a prick but eventually you get used to it. Come on Julie, Garrett we're gonna be late for the movie." Alex says as he wraps his arm around Julie and leads her away. Garrett just shrugs his shoulders at me and follows behind them. "Don't we have a policy that we don't have to serve arrogant assholes?" I question Cody and Anne as they continue to teach me how to make popcorn.

I happen to be on break when the Gods left so I didn't have to go another round with Mr. Stick Up His Ass. I mean, seriously, he's definitely smokin' hot and I'm sure he has plenty of women dropping at his feet, but that doesn't mean we all want him! I hope I don't have any more encounters with him I just don't get what his deal is.
The rest of the night went pretty smooth I got the hang of everything pretty quick. After we close up, I send my dad a quick text message to see if he can come get me.

Hey dad, I'm finished at work do you think you can come pick me up now?

Sorry kid, mom had another late night and I'm having car troubles can you get a coworker to give you a ride?

Yea I'll ask the manager see you soon dad! I love you!

I love you too kiddo see you in a bit!

I was about to ask my manager for a ride when I look around and discover she and Cody have already left. Great. I know the bus will be here in ten minutes, so I'll just wait inside until it shows up. Shortly after, the security guard comes around and tells me I need to leave the building. "Wait no I can't leave, the bus will be here in like three minutes can't you just let me wait here until it comes?" He looks at me apologetically, "I'm sorry I have to turn off all the lights and set the alarm it's company policy." I really didn't want to wait outside I'm still super freaked out from the guy earlier, but I'm sure I'm overreacting.

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