The Truth Shall Set You Free

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"I have decided it's time to tell my family." I say to Easton. We just shifted back after a quick night run. "You have?! That's great news Charlee! I finally won't have to sneak in the window anymore!" I laugh at Easton's selfish response and smack him playfully in the stomach. "Will you be there with me when I talk to them? They are going to have so many questions and I won't know any of the answers." "Of course I'll be there with you baby doll." Easton responds pulling me in for a deep kiss. It has been weeks now that Easton and I have been together only ever separated for short amounts of time. We have grown closer over the course of these few weeks and I think our "bond" has heightened our closeness. He always seems to know how I'm feeling and always says the perfect things. I feel like once we are married the other part of our bond won't take long because we can't seem to keep our hands off each other.
"Why don't you have your mark in your fur the way I have my mark?" I ask as I run my hands softly over the mark on his shoulder. "I don't know. None of the other females have their marks on their fur either and I'm not sure why your mark is the color of my fur. Maybe because you're the first female heir? I have searched in all the documents but I can't find any explanations." He looks lost in thought maybe feeling the same confusion I have been feeling over the last couple of months since this all started. "Come on lets head back, I want to talk to my parents now before I start to chicken out."

As we stand in front of my door I can feel the weight of the world on shoulders. "It will be ok Charlee." Easton soothes kissing the back of my hand. I look to him for encouragement and open the door to the next step in this crazy adventure I have found myself in.

"What is he doing here?!" My dad yells entering into the living room. If looks could kill Easton would be dead 10 times over by now. "Wait dad, please calm down. We need to talk to you and it's important." "Are you pregnant?!?" My dad shouts at me. "Pregnant?!" My mom screams running into the room. "Ohhh you're dead! Can I have her room!" Sammy shouts from the staircase. "Can you all please calm down? And No, dad, I'm not pregnant." I say rubbing my temples. My mom grabs my dad's hand and lowers him onto the couch. "Go ahead Charlee, what is it you need to talk us about." My mom says trying to soothe my dad by running her hand up and down his arm. "There is something you need to know, something I only found out about a couple of month's ago but haven't fully wrapped my head around." I start looking into their faces not really knowing how I'm going to put this all into words. As I am about to start again, my dad cuts me off, "We know Charlee." Easton and I both look at each other not sure what he is eluding to. "What do you mean you know? What do you know?" I ask not understanding how they could possibly know. "We know you are a werewolf." My mom finishes for him. "What?!" Easton gasps from my side hands clenched. "You knew this whole time she was a wolf and never said anything?" He barks at them. "I don't care if you're a King you will not speak to me like that in my house do you understand me boy?" My dad claps back. I have never seen my dad lose his cool and I am taken by surprise. Where is all this animosity coming from? "Please both of you stop." My mom speaks up as if she hasn't slept in years. "Please, Charlee, let us explain everything and then you will have time to ask all the questions you need. I am warning you now, you will not like this story, and that is why we have tried to protect you from it."

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