Trespassing On Taken Property

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             When Easton's pack showed up they didn't leave any wolf untouched.  I looked around at the massacre that just unfolded before my eyes and can't help but sigh with relief that none of my friends were laying there.  Easton came over to me in wolf form and started licking the wound on my shoulder.  "Ew get off you're going to get it infected."  I try to push him away but he just nudges my hands out of the way and begins again.  Clearly this wolf can't take no for an answer.  I roll my eyes and  let him continue until he feels satisfied it is "clean."  When he is done he lays down for me to get on his back once again.  I wince with pain as I try to lift my arm to grab his fur.    "We're going to have to take it a little slower I can't hold on very well."  He nods at me and sets off at a slower pace.   The rest of the wolves fan out behind him I guess to make sure there are no other surprise attacks. 

            Once we arrive back at Easton's cabin, the wolves all disappear behind trees and come back as fully dressed humans.  I don't know why this seemed so odd to me.  Not that I know anything about werewolves, but I always assumed they could change back and forth with their clothes still on.  I have so much to learn and no time to learn it.  "A penny for your thoughts?" Easton says as he starts inspecting my shoulder. "You're going to get it infected stop messing with it!" Easton smirks and goes on to explain "Wolf saliva has healing antibodies combine that with being a werewolf and you heal with in minutes depending on the wound." He notions for me to looks at the wound and I shouldn't be shocked that it's already healed. "I was just thinking that I have so much to learn about this, uh, culture. I feel like I was just thrown into a foreign land and I don't know the language." I expected Easton to laugh at me and make some joke at my expense but instead he just grabbed my hands and pulled me in for a hug. "It's ok Charlee. I'm here to help you through this transition." "Would you two get a room?!" Alex jokes as he walks passed us. "Nobody wants to watch your mushy romance crap." My face turns bright red and I look down trying to cover my embarrassment. "Oh please as if you have any room to talk!" Easton snaps back, "we never heard the end of it when you laid eyes on Julie!" He laughs as he punches Alex in the stomach playfully. "Boys, boys, boys, as much as we would love to see your 'I've got a bigger you know what than you routine' we have more important matters at hand like I dunno how are we going to keep the Queen safe?" An annoyed Julie cuts in gesturing to me. "Well, we could just kill her and not have to worry about it?" Eve says standing in the open doorway. "Eve!" Easton snaps. "If I ever hear you say one more remark like that you'll be on the first plane out of here. And no longer welcome in the pack. "Oh I was only joking baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean it won't you please forgive me?" She says as she embraces him in a hug and looks at him with her devilishly sultry big eyes. He sighs and walks inside leaving us all to question what just happened. "If you know what's good for you, you'll back off my man. Only one of us can be Queen and I promise it won't be you!" Eve whispers harshly in my ear. That bitch! I think to myself as I follow everyone inside.

"Come on guys let's all get something to eat after a good fight like that I'm starving!" Garrett says as he starts pulling things from the fridge. We all go into the kitchen to start help making a family feast. As we sit down at the table my stomach grumbles with starvation. I haven't eaten since early this afternoon and my mouth is watering as I look at all the food on the table. Easton sits down at the table and, of course, Eve sits right next to him. "Did you have a fun time at the lake Charlee?" Hanna asks trying to diffuse the awkward tension building in the room. "I did have fun! I had no idea it was there and can't believe how warm it was!" "It's been one of Easton's favorite places to go since he discovered it." She smiles back at me. "You took her to the lake?" Eve asks with a wicked look. Easton can't bring himself to look her in the eye. He starts to rub his neck uncomfortably. "Yea I did I thought it would be nice to you know take her out and relax after everything that she's been through." He says avoiding my shocked gaze. "Well, I'm sure it must have been hard being there with her knowing all the times we went always ended up being mind blowing." Easton actually has the decency to choke on his spit at this statement. But I don't have to sit there and be used like a little toy in whatever game Eve is trying to play. "Well, if you'll excuse me I've seem to have lost my appetite. Hanna would you mind taking me home?" "Uh, sure." She answers hesitantly as she gets up.

Once we start driving I feel like I can breath again. My stomach was wound up in knots with words I only said in my head. "Look, Eve is just being a bitch and trying to wind you up." "It's fine Hanna, Easton is my friend he doesn't owe me anything. He can have as many mind blowing experiences as he wants with that floozy." I mock in Eve's stupid accent.

We pull up to my empty home and I thank Hanna for the ride. I unlock the door and head up to my room to call my parents. "Charlee!" Where have you been I have been calling you all day!!" My mom screams from the other end. "I'm sorry mom I was at work today I worked a double to cover for someone that called in sick and I left my phone at home." I lie quickly. I've never really had to lie to my parents before and it doesn't sit well in my stomach. "Oh ok, well we will still be here for the remainder of the week are you sure you don't want to come?" I reluctantly refuse her offer but I don't think me leaving is the best idea when wolves are out to kill me. "Thanks mom, but I just started my new job I don't want to look bad by flaking this early on." "Ok sweetie, well we all miss you will see you soon! Please don't forget your phone anymore! I love you!" "I love you too, mom." I hang up and sit down on my bed feeling totally deflated.

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