Chapter 2

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'' come in '' I answer to the door's knock.
Rye: Your mum told me to come down to eat.
Andy: I will eat alone later, I have to study
Rye: Study?? (laughs) it's Saturday
Andy: I know, we have a test
Rye: I mean it's Saturday. You should play video games, talk with your girlfriend 😉
Andy: To do what!?!?
Rye: I understand
Andy: What? 🙄
Rye : Virgin, without girlfriend and a very good student
Andy: You don't know me Ryan 🙄. I have to study
Rye: You are funny
The door closed.I'm very good to him and he is... I'm not gonna involved in this.

I went downstairs to the kitchen.

Mum: Your food is on the table
Andy: Thank you
Mum: Andy can you go to Rye's room and give him these clothes?
Andy: Ok

I went to Rye's door and I knocked

Andy:Andy! I have some clo-
Rye: Come in

I opened the door and I saw Rye taking off a towel of his waist.

Rye: Leave them here
I dropped the clothes on the floor. While I was turning quickly I hit my head on the door.
Rye: Andy!!!
Andy: Sorry..for the clothes.. I said and I looked down to the floor.
Rye: Fuck the clothes!! Are you ok?
Andy: What? Oh yes I'm alright
Rye: What's up?!?
Andy: I-I ha-I have to g-go

Andy: Oof you don't understand
Jessica: I understand very well. You have a very handsome and sezy brother and you haven't met him to me.
Andy: He is not my brother!! And if you want so much to meet him come today for a sleepover.
Jessica: It's not a bad idea!
Andy: Ok.

In the sleepover

Andy: Come upstairs
Jessica: Upstairs? Rye?
Andy: Rye is out
Jessica: Dammit
Andy: It's ok tomorrow. Do you want something to eat or drink?.
Jessica : Yes teo slices of bread with Nutella

I went to the kitchen and I saw Rye to drinking water

Andy: What are you doing here?
Rye:I came earlier
Andy: Oh ok
Rye: Nutella? Are you pregnant?
Andy : It's not for me. It's for my friend she will sleep today here. Her name is Jessica.
Rye: Is she beautiful?
Andy: You will see in the morning
Rye: Will you two sleep together?
Andy: Yes
Rye: How you will  endure?
Andy:What do you mean?
He does something with his fingers
Andy: OMG NO!! She is my best friend
Rye: Only gay say those things
I didn't answer
Rye: She is my best friend (he said with silly way) 🙄😂
Andy: YOU KNOW WHAT RYE? YES I'M GAY! If that's the problem. I'm not gonna let you to do something to Jessica. Because for you all the girls are for one night stand. I HAVE NEWS. I'M IN A RELATIONSHIP. YES, someone wants me. Is it impossible for you? But it's a man RYAN. IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT YOU ARE A d*ck BECAUSE I'M NOT USING ANYONE FOR sex.
Rye: Are you done?
Andy: YES!!
Rye: Goodnight..

He went to his room. He seem sad.

Jessica was sleeping when I went upstairs...

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