Chapter 35

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He looked me in the eyes and start talking to me.

Rye: Andy I know what I want what I really want. From the time you walked down the stairs. You are the most amazing person I know. I love you, before you I was a bad boy and I didn't even liked boys but you change that. I fell in love with you and I was scared about it, I wasn't ready to be myself but you changed that. You changed my life you did it! *getting on his knees *
So Andrew Robert Fowler will you mak me the happiest man in the world and marry me?

While he was talking I start crying from the first word.

Andy : yes of course I will marry you I love you so much

He put the ring on my finger and he hugged me

Andy : I am so happy right now
Rye: you make me happy baby
Andy: so we are getting married?
Rye: yes!
Andy : and now you are my fiance?
Rye: yeah but let me show you what I am to you


I start kissing him. After minutes of making out I picked him up walking us both to our room. I gently threw him on the bed and for over him roughly attaching my lips at his. I then lucked his bottom lip asking for entrance, he didn't let me in to tease me so I slowly slid my hand down to his ass and gave it a little squeeze making him moan into the kiss letting me roam his mouth with my tongue. He took of my shirt and then his. I attached my lips at his neck, going straight into his sweet spot leaving him a hickey. Meanwhile he started undoing my jeans. I stopped kissing his neck to take off our jeans and when I went to kiss him again he rolled us over so he was on top of me. I started removing his boxers and mine came off right after. I connected our lips again while kissing him I slammed into him. We done this a lot of times until we cum. I then collapsed near him and we cuddled a bit until we both fell asleep.

Morning time

I woke up and I went downstairs to make breakfast for Andy and me of course.


I woke up and Rye wasn't beside me so I desided to call my mum


Andy : good morning
Rose: good morning sweetheart so....
Andy : so... I said YES of course
Rose: yes I am so proud of you Andy
Andy : I am very happy mum
Rose: that's very good

While I was talking to my mum rye came in the room with breakfast

Andy: I have to go because rye made breakfast
Rose: sure enjoy your breakfast honey
Andy : you too mum

📞End of call📞

Rye: good morning baby
Andy : good morning how are you feeling today?
Rye: very good wbu?
Andy : rye... I can't walk a lot
Rye: that was what I wanted
Andy : RYAN!!
Rye: OK let's eat and after that we will go to take a shower
Andy: good idea

We are all the food and then rye picked me up and we got into the shower. He went to do something but I stopped him.

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