Chapter 34

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19:30 pm. Ringggg!!!!

Rye: Andy... *kiss*
Andy: Yeah...
Rye: Wake up its 19:30 we have to get ready
Andy: Oh yeah *kiss*
Rye: Ao today is the most important day of my lige... I love you
Andy: I love tou too but why today?
Rye: You asked too much
Andy: Okay... *kiss*


20:00pm I'm ready!

Rye: Babe you are gorgeous
Andy:, Thank you *kiss,*you? Were is your outfit?
Rye: Oh I have to do something first. I will drive you to Rose and when I'm done I will come to get you.
Andy: OK can we go now?
Rye: Sure

Rose: Hey guys, come in
Andy: Rye will go to our house because he wants to do something for my surprise.
Rye: Yes so goodbye. I love you. I will be here at 21:00 okay?
Rose: Yeah goodbye Ryan, good luck 😉

Andy: Mum do you know what's the surprise is?
Rose: Of course I do
Andy:well I'm scared
Rose: Don't be.. Rye loves you very much.
Andy: I know I love him too. He is the love of my life!
Rose: Good very good wait here because I have to got ready.
Andy: Yeah OK


I'm done 20:45

I'm done 20:45

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*call 📞 *
Rye: Babe I'm coming
Andy: Okay ♡x


Andy Mum Rye is coming
Rose: OK I'm coming
Andy: OMG you are beautiful
Rose: Aww thank you Andrew your dad would be proud of you.
Andy: Mum please... Not today
Rose: You have his personality.. Sorry it is your birthday
Andy: Yeah let's go

Rye: Hi! Are you ready?
Andy: Rye you are handsome
Rye: Baby thanks *kiss*
Rose: Well it's 20:55 we have to go
Rye: Let's go!!

We arrived at the restaurant and my dad waited there too.

Rye: Hello! We have done a reservation 4 people
? : Name please?
Rye: Beaumont
? : Oh yeah come in here
Rye: Thank you

Peter: so Andy happy birthday!!18 finally!
Andy: Thank you and yeah!
Peter: Did you decided what are you gonna study?
Andy: Yes I want something that is relative with music. It is my dream since I was a kid.
Peter: Lovely!


It's 23:00 I'm ready. It's time. So I send a message to Rose.

Rose: Well I have to go cause I'm too tired today. Peter can you drive me home?
Peter: Sure. Again happy birthday Andy
Rose: Happy birthday! Have fun 😉
Andy: thanks Peter! And Mum!... Thank you goodnight
Rye: So... Can we go?
Andy: Sure 😏

Outside of the house

Rye: So Andy*I turn him around and I put a red blindfold to his eyes *
Andy: Ohhh nice!
Rye: Today is the day... Come with me give me your hand.

We went tonthe living room and I took of his blindfold


Andy: Ryan...
Rye: So you like it?
Andy: I love it!

We went to the center of the living room and he took my arm and he looked at me in the eyes....


Well..... Thank you mikey for everything... 🙏 😔 😍 💔


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