Chapter 4

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Rye: Quickly *I told him and he close the door.
Andy: You know you can be a little bit kinder.
Rye: That's what you wanted to tell me? If yes go now!!
Andy: Why are you so mean? And no, I didn't want to tell you that.
Rye: I am because you make me mean
Andy: I make you mean??? I'm very very kind with you.
Rye: Will you tell me what you wanted yes or no??
Andy:  All of this is it because I'm gay!
Rye: What??!?! How did you came up with that?
Andy: How did you came up with that??? Your attitude at dinner!
Rye : I wasn't hungry anymore! Because.. You and my dad talked about your stupid boyfriend ok??
Andy: So it's because I'm gay?!

I didn't answer. He will not understand

Andy: I can't push you to accept me. Rye
Anyway you are not something to me. And it I want to I'm not talking to you either.
Rye: And-
Andy: Your attitude makes my mum sad.
And I will not leave it the-

I got angry. Why is he talking to me like that?? I thought that he will say sorry. I know that, that I told him was wrong but I didn't mean it...

Rye: Really? Come on your sweet mother!


When I heard that, I felt like I'm full of anger.
"DICKHEAD" I shout at him and I jump to his bed with him under me. My hand went to slap his face but he was to strong and he turn us over. He didn't hit me. I looked inside his brown eyes and he looked at my lips. He....

To be continue!!! ♡
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