Chapter 12

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We arrived home

I run to the bedroom and Rye followed me. He push me back in the bed and kisses me softly. The kiss gets more heated and I take his shirt off, we break for a sec to take my shirt off. Then he kisses my neck and hits my sweet spot making a quiet moan escape from my mouth. He kisses down to my chest, down to my tummy and then back up to my lips. He gets on his knees and takes my pants and boxers off. Then I take his off. Leaving us both completely naked. Then he starts riding me at the start softy. We bith cum and we lie down next to each other.
Andy:  That was... Amazing! ♡
Rye: I'm glad you like it. You were amazing baby
*Andy blushes *
Rye: Awww cutie!! ♡
Andy: I love you! ♡
Rye: I love you too baby! ♡
We cuddled and slept.

In the morning
I woke up and I waited for Rye to wake up.

Rye: Good morning!
Andy: Morning babe
Rye: How are you? Can you walk?
Andy: Of course I can walk! Why?
Rye: Oh nothing just try!

I got up to be honest I had a little pain but I didn't show it. 😂

Rye: Ok time for breakfast.
Andy: Yeah!!! *like a little child *
Rye: You're so cute.

We went downstairs and Rye obviously made breakfast.

Rye: Here us your breakfast babe
Andy: Thank you

While we were eating we heard the door to open.

Rose: Guys we are home!
Rye: *whispering to me *oh no
Peter: What's up boys? How are you
Andy: How was your vacation?
Peter: very good
Rye: Ok I'm going upstairs. If you want to eat breakfast.
Andy: Yeah I'm leaving too.
Mum: No Andy I want to talk to you for a sec.
Andy: Ok...

We sat at the living room and Rye and hia dad went upstairs.

I went to my bedroom and seconds later someone knocked the door.

Rye: Yeah?
Peter: Can I come in?
Rye: Sure
Peter: So I wanted to talk to you
Rye: Adout what?
Peter: What's wrong Rye?
Rye: Nothing
Peter: Rye I'm your father I know you. You are hiding from me something.
Rye: How-
Peter: You are different
Rye: Different?
Peter: Yes
Rye: well... It's because..


Rose: So what's up with you and  Rye?
Andy: We are good I think
Rose: Only good?
Andy: Yes he is my... Brother
Rose: Ok.. So is something going on with a doy?
Andy: No...
Rose: Andy I know you. You can talk to me.
Andy: Well... Maybe
Rose: Is he handsome?
Andy: Yes very
Rose: Nice! Di you like him?
Andy: I think I - I love him
Rose: OMG he is a important person to you.
Andy: Yeah!!

Hope you like it ❤️

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