Chapter 14

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.... I heard the door unlocking

Andy: I'm listening
Rye: Well.. My dad asked me to tell him the name of the boy that I'm in love.. And I didn't tell yours obviously and I told him a random name... I promise I'm not lying to you..
Andy: Ok I believe you.
Rye: Come here
We heard a knock on the door
Rose: Andy can I come in?
I sat in his desk and Andy stayed at his bed.
Andy: Of course mum
Rose: Oh hi Ryan! Well I want to say to tou guys to come downstairs for dinner. Me and Peter have something to tell you.
Andy: Let's go eat!

We went downstairs to eat. I sat beside Andy.

Peter: Well guys me and Rose are gonna break up.. Because we found out that it wasn't meat to be.. That's the life boys. So we decide to broke up. And we are not gonna get married..
Rye: OMG yea- I'm mean oh so sad... You looked cute together
Andy: It's fine we aren't mad
Rye: Now I have to tell you something! First my boyfriend's name it's not Jackson. Secondly his name is A-
Andy: Ok! Rye stop *whispers to me *I don't know if it's a good idea.
Rye: Sss baby I got this!
Well dad, Rose me and Andy we are not brothers and we will never be. Because I'm in love with Andy and we are dating like 3 moths now.

I grad Andy's hand and I kiss it
Rye: I love you
Andy: I love you too *he is crying *
I kiss his soft lips.
Peter: Em.. Guys?
Rye: Yeahh.. Oh yeah sorry..
Andy: Well...?
Rosa: Well.. Good luck with your relationship. Rye I want from you to protect him and please don't break his heart..
Rye: Of course I'm gonna protect him and I will never broke his heart.I love him
Peter: I have no words *in tears
Rye: Dad? Are you crying? Why?
Peter: Because finally you found the one. Andy is the love of your life. I'm so proud of you Rye. I love you. I wish you two never to break up for anyone and anything. *very big hug *

Hope you like it ❤️

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