Chapter 17

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Rye's pov:

I woke up by Andy jumping on our bed like a very happy and exciting kid.

Andy: It's the day X3 it's time. We have to leave.
Rye: good morning babe! What is it today?...
Andy: You forgot?
Rye: Emmmm sorry...
Andy: It's ok. Is the day that we are going to see our apartment.
Rye: OMG yes!

Andy came closer to me and kissed me and we just cuddled for 10 minutes.

Andy: Ok it's time for breakfast
Rye: Oh yes!
Rye: I'm going to take a shower
Andy: Can I come with you?
Rye: 😏 of course 😏

Andy opened the bathroom door and when we vot into the bathroom I locked it. Andy took off his clothes and I did the same. We are only in our boxers.

Andy: Can you please turn? I want to take off my boxer
Rye: Why? You know I have seen you naked.
Andy: I know but...
Rye: Aww you are shy?
Andy: Stop it! Just turn around
Rye: Everything you want! ♡

I turn around and when I heard the water from the shower I turn to see that Andy was in the shower. So I took off my boxer qnd I opened the curtain.
When I got into the shower. I caress Andy's back and he got goosebumps. The water was running on Andy's body so I desided to take the shampoo.
I put some on my hands and I stared to spread it on Andy's body.
He had closed his eyes and he lay down on my shoulder. When I finished cleaning his beautiful body I took some more shampoo and I put it on his hair carefully and gently.

Andy: I love you
Rye: I love you too
Andy: Now is my turn
Rye: Oh ok


I put some shampoo on my hand amd I spread it on his back and then on his ads 🔥😏😉.
Rye: Do you like it?
Andy: Yes.. It's the best shower I have ever take.
Rye: Hahaha love you.

When we finished the shower we got dressed and we went down to eat breakfast.

Rose: Good morning guys
A-R: good morning
Rose: How was your bath?
Rye: Nice
*Andy is blushing *
Rye: Aww baby*hug*

By the way I didn't tell you that Rye amd his dad live in their own house. And Rye slept here.

So we sat down and ate our breakfast.


11:30 am

It's the time we are going to see our future house. I'm so exciting
Andy : Rye! Baby! Let's go
Rye: I'm coming!


We got in the car.. I have seen the house only from pictures.. I think it's so modern and beautiful. I can't wait to see it in real life!
We arrived!
I went to unlock the door and I felt Andy's hand on mine.
Andy: I love you
Rye: I love you too babe

I open the door and I see......

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