Chapter 20

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I see Andy... I know what he is thinking. Caleb is like me 😉😂. He is tall, fit and stuff like that. Honestly he ia not my type. Andy is my type. I love Andy and he knows that. ♡

Rye : Andy... Baby.. Please don't think like that... I will never leave you for Caleb or for anyone... ♡
Andy: you never know this Rye..
He run upstairs to our room..


Caleb:you didn't answer my question
Rye:No I don't want to hang out with you. And I don't have time because I want to spend time with my boyfriend

You think that I can't do anything because you have a boyfriend? You don't know me Rye... 😈

It has been 20 minutes from when I left the living room. Now I'm taking a shower
I close my eyes

*thoughts 💭 *

Rye: Andy sorry but I have to break up with you
Andy: What why?
Caleb: why? Look at me Andy. I'm more beautiful, I'm fit, I'm better Andy.
Rye: Caled slowly.!!
Andy Rye? Is that what you want?
Rye: --
Andy: Rye answer me NOW!!
Caleb started to punching me
Rye: Caleb stop! Yes Andy I do - don't lo-love you any-anymore...
Andy: Look at my eyes and tell it to me.
Caleb: Leave him alone. I'm better and you are nothing.
Caleb took me from my neck and I couldn't breath

End of thoughts 💭 *

I went to see where Andy was. I went to our bedroom and I heard Andy crying from the bathroom

Andy: That what you want?
I went inside and I found Andy with close eyes. Like hw was thinking something.
Rye: Andy?!!! Are you alright? Baby!!
Andy : ------

He was having a panic attack. I put a towel to his waist and I took him to the bed. I run and brought him his inhaler, and a towel with water.

Rye: Andy wake up
Andy: Rye? Why are you here you were leaving with Caleb. If you don't go he will
Rye: Shhhh baby... What were you thinking in the bathroom?
Andy: That you broke up with me and you went with Caleb. And Caleb starting to hit me and then I don't remember.
Rye: Andy I would never do that to you. You are the love of my life ❤️
Andy: Sorry I thought that-
Rye: Shh baby you need to sleep
Andy: OK but I have a question! Why am I only in a towel?*😏 *Ryan!
Rye: You were in the shower
Andy: OH OK can you bring me boxers and pants
Rye: Of course ♡ here ♡ now you have to rest
Andy: Stay with me
Rye: Sure, I have to ask you a very important question! Do you want me to continue the Job to the Cafe?
Andy: ----what are you doing?
Rye : I'm calling Caleb
Andy: No Ryan wait!

Rye: Caleb I don't want the job sorry

Andy: What did he say?
Rye: Nothing I didn't let him😂
Andy: OK nap time
Rye: Kiss?
Andy: Come here

He stared kissing me with passion and love. He went to take my shirt off

Rye: Come to sleep
Andy: I don't want to sleep anymore..

He took my shirt off and he started kissing my neck

Andy: Ry-Ryan he moans
Rye: Ba-BaBe

I stared to taking off his pants when the phone rang..... 🙄


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