Chapter 10

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Peter: So Rye.... Andy.... Me and your mum decided to go on a vocation for the weekend. Only me and Rose (Andy's mum) because you have school on Monday. Is it okay? You'll be alone so Rye you have to protect Andy.
Rye :Of course.I will he is
Andy: hey, I think I'm old enough to protect myself.
Rye: No.. You are the little one
Andy: Yeah but -
Rose: Ok guys stop now
*Andy runs to his room*
Peter: Rye go and talk to him ok?
Rye: Sure

I went upstairs and knocked his door.
Rye: Fovvs can I come in?
Andy: No...
Rye: Please...
I heard the door to unlock. I went into the room and sat on Andy's bed beside him.
Rye: Baby... Are you mad at me because I called you my little 'brother'?
He didn't say anything
Rye: Come on Andy...*I went to him and I started to tickle him
Andy: HahAha Rye... Stop.. Please... Hahaha
Rye:Will you forgive me?
When I heard that answer I went closer to him and I connect ou lips. After minutes from making out
Rye: Did that help?
Andy: Yes a lot... Can we go downstairs because our parents are leaving?
Rye: Sure


We went downstairs to say goodbye to our parents.

Rose: Andy come here please
Andy: Sure
Rose: So I want you to be careful and protect Ryan too you are the little one but you are smarter ok?
Andy: Sure mum I will
Rose: Nice love you. So guys be safe and Keep the house clean ok?
Randy: Sure...
Peter-Rose: Ok goodbye love you♡
Randy: Love you too ♡

*they left *

Rye: Now what do you want to do?
Andy: Watch a movie and chill?
Rye: 😏 sure

*we sat at the living room *

Rye: What movie do you want to watch?
Andy: whatever you want
Rye: sure i will put a scary one
Andy: oh no please no...
Rye : you left me to choose it so....

While we were watching the movie. I was into Rye's big.... Arms (dirty minds 😏 😏)
Because i was so scared

*the movie finished *

Rye: I liked that movie a lot
Andy: yeah i didn't so.....
Rye: haha do you want pizza?
Andy: sure is that even a question?
Rye: haha ok

2:00 p.m.

We ate pizza and then we went for a nap. We slept in the same bed and Rye spooned me *cute *

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