Chapter 15

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-Rose and Peter broke up
-Andy and Rye announced that they are dating
What will happen in this chapter?


Rose: so boys you know that now me and Peter are no longer together so Rye and Peter are moving out 😔
Peter : Yes, but boys you can hangout anytime and everywhere yoy want.
Rye: sure ...
Andy : yeah......
Rye: Dad can I talk with Andy for a bit?
Peter : yeah, sure I am going to pack my stuff


OMG what is he going to talk to me about? I am scared. Does he want to break up with me? I am not sure. I don't want to so...

Rye: Andy!!! Hey.. Earth to Andy!
Andy : yes sorry what is it?
Rye: what were you thinking?
Andy :nothing.....
Rye: babe i know you
Andy: ok I was thinking something but its not important
Rye: oh ok. I wamted to talk to you about us.....
Andy : i knew it i knew that you are gonna break up with me and - and
Rye: Andy, Andy I am not breaking up with you
Andy: you aren't?
Rye: of course I am not you are the love of my life and I love you so much baby
Andy : I love you more!!
*kiss*😘 (soft-pantionate)
Rye : so I wanted to talk to you about...
Andy: go on
Rye: i want to ask you if you want yo move in with me in our own house
Andy : OMG rye this is a big step for us
Rye: if you don't want to it's OK i am not going to force you to do -
Andy: yes yes yes
Rye : OMG are yoy sure?
Andy : yes but er have a problem. We have to ask our parents
Rye : yes that's easy
Andy: are you sure about that? (meme😂😂)
Rye : hahah yes
Andy: OK can we go now?
Rye: yes

We went upstairs to the master bedroom

Rye: Dad,Rose can we ask you something?
Rose : yes of course boys
Andy: si.. We wanted to ask you ...
Rye : if you agree with...
Peter come on boys you can tell us everything
Rye-Andy :  we want to move together in our own house
Rose: are you sure? I mean it's not a bit early?
Peter: yeah....
Rye : no I love Andy and i want to be with him every day
Andy :  yes we are ready for that step
Peter-Rose: ok our opinion on this is.....

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