Chapter 28

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I woke up from the nap and it's 18:00 at the evening. I feel so good I'm so happy that I am alive and I love Rye so much. He was there for me every day for 3 months. So I decided to call my mum and ask her if she wants to come in our house
📞 Call 📞
Andy:Mum hi!
Mum:Omg baby you are home?
Andy:Yes we came home 4 hours ago
Mum:4 hours? Why you didn't call me earlier?
Andy:Emm.... I took a nap
Mum:Just a nap?
Mum:Ok... OK so are you feeling better?
Andy:Yes I am very good. I wanted to ask you.Do you want to come and see the house?
Mum:Yes sure
Andy:Ok can you please bring Rye's dad too?
Mum:Sure I will call him
Andy:Ok we are waiting for you
Mum:Love you!
Andy:Love you too bye!


So I woke up and Andy wasn't there so I went downstairs. I listen him talking to his mum on the phone. I went from behind him and I put my arms around his waist and I kissed his neck.

Rye: Hi baby
Andy: *moan*
Rye: So what your mum said?
Andy: Oh yeah my mum and your dad will be here in a minute so can you go to the supermarket and buy some stuff?
Rye: Emm.. That's cool but I'm not going to supermarket.
Andy: Why?
Rye: I'm not leaving you again
Andy: Come on Ryan I will be OK
Rye: No!

When I said that Andy went into the kitchen. I followed him.

Rye: Baby... I'm sorry I shouldn't sout at you but I'm scared and I can't lose you.
Andy: It's OK I understand *kiss*

I kiss him with more passion and I bite his lip asking him for access in his mouth.

Andy: baby not now....
Rye: Why I need you
Andy: I know but our parents will be here in minutes.
Rye: Sorry I forgot
Andy: It's OK *kiss*

I went upstairs and I dress up and Andy did the same.


We dressed up and when I heard the bell I went straight to the door.

Andy: Mum! Peter!
Rose-Peter: Hi! Are you feeling better?
Andy: Yes I'm feeling very good
Rye: *whispering in my ear *I wonder why?
Andy: *blush*
Rye: Come in our house.

Rose: OMG huge!
Rye:*whispering to Andy *like my - 😉😏
Andy: Ryan!
Rye: So do you want something to drink
Peter: Tea Rose: just water
Rye went in the kitchen and me, my mum and Peter sat in the living room.

Rye: Here dad your tea and rose your water!
Rose-Peter: Thank you

So we talked with our parents and when it was 21:30 they've gone. They liked the house a lot. So me and Rye put a movie on and then we slept.

Rye: I love you good night! ❤️
Andy: I live you more babe, goodnight! ❤️

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