Chapter 33

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So it's 9:00 am and I decided to call Andy's mum and my dad because I want to tell them about the proposal.

*call 📞 Rose*
Rose: Yes?
Rye: Hi Rose!
Rose: Oh hello Rye!
Rye: Ao I have to tell you something
Rose: Did something happen to Andy?
Rye: No no Andy is okay
Rose: Thanks God. Then what is it?
Rye: I want to propose Andy
Rose: OMG!! My little boy will get married
Rye: Hahaha yes if he says yes
Rose: Of course he will. So what's the plan?
Rye: So you,myself and my dad will go on a restaurant and yeah that is pretty much!
Rose: OK I can't wait! What time?
Rye: At 21:00 be at restaurant
Rose: OK good luck!
Rye: Thank you Bye!

*call 📞 Peter,
Peter: Hello son
Rye: Hi dad!
Peter: How are you?
Rye: I'm very good and nervous
Peter: Why nervous?
Rye: Ao I will propose Andy today
Peter: OMG are you fucking serious???
Rye: Yeah....
Peter : OK you don't have to be nervous he will 24/7 say yes! He loves you
Rye: I hope! I love him more
Peter: So what's the plan?
Rye: So... (the same thing)
Peter: OK I will be there
Rye: Thank you
Peter :  No thanks I love you
Rye: I love you too dad. Bye!

When I finished with the calls, I went to our bedroom to see if Andy is sleeping..

Rye: Andy?
Andy: Yeah
Rye: Good morning! Happy birthday!
Andy: Thank you! What will we do for my birthday?
Rye: We will go to a restaurant with our parents.
Andy: Boring but thank you so much you are the best!
Rye: We will go at 21:00 and afterwards we will come home 😏. But you will go to your mum at 20:30 because I want to decorate the house. I will come to get you!
Andy: Okay!!!!! I'm hungry af so.... Food?
Rye: Downstairs!


When I walked into the kitchen I saw this!

Andy: OMG Ryan Leonard Beaumont! Did you do this all by yourself?Rye: Yes!!!! 😂Andy: You are amazing! I love you!Rye: I love you more *kiss*Andy: Food!!!!Rye: Hahaha! 😂

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Andy: OMG Ryan Leonard Beaumont! Did you do this all by yourself?
Rye: Yes!!!! 😂
Andy: You are amazing! I love you!
Rye: I love you more *kiss*
Andy: Food!!!!
Rye: Hahaha! 😂


It's 18:00 I have to go to the supermarket to buy the stuff I want for the surprise!

Rye: Babe... Andy... I have to go to the supermarket
Andy: Oh Ok goodbye!
Rye: No! I don't want to leave you alone.
Andy: Ryan.. One day you will have to...
Rye: Okay but call anytime and don't go anywhere!
Andy: Okay *kiss*


While Rye was at the supermarket I picked an outfit.

When I picked it, I went to take a shower

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When I picked it, I went to take a shower.


Rye: Andy?
Andy: in the bathroom!

OK I put the stuff in the closet and omg his chothes are sexy 😏

Andy: Rye babe?
Rye: Yeah?!
Andy: Can you bring me a towel?
Rye: Of course!
Andy: Thanks! What will you wear?
Rye: Those!

Andy: Rye babe?Rye: Yeah?! Andy: Can you bring me a towel? Rye: Of course! Andy: Thanks! What will you wear? Rye: Those!

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Andy: Fit!
Rye: Hahaha who is talking! I point to his almost naked body
Andy: *Blush**kiss*

I kiss him with more passion, I went down to his neck.

Andy:  R-Rye*moans*
Rye: Yea-h
Andy: We should dress it is 19:00
Rye: Sure yeah.. I am going to take a shower


I put on my boxers and a simple shirt it was rye's.... And I took a nap.


I finished my shower and when I open the door I saw the cutest person in the world. Andy wore my shirt and he naped. I went beside him, I put an alarm at 19:30 and I took a nap too.

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