Chapter 18

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When Rye opened the door I saw:

When Rye opened the door I saw:

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Living room

Living room

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Our amazing bedroom

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Our amazing bedroom

Our bed room's bathroom

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Our bed room's bathroom

Our bed room's bathroom

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Our room is so AMAZING. The whole house is so sick. Now I have to find a job. I have Andy in my arms and we just chilling.

Andy: Do you like the house?
Rye: Yes omg I love it!
Andy: Yeah! "I think is very big
Rye: Yeah.. Like my.. 😏
Andy: Ryan!!
Rye: What?? It's the true
Andy: I know but..
Rye: I need to find a job...
Andy: Let's go for a walk and we will see for that.
Rye: OK let's go

While we were walking down the street we saw a café that they wanted waiters so why not! We got inside and we went to the cash desk

Rye: Sorry can I ask you something?
? : Yes, sure
Rye: I saw that you wanted waiters and I want a job so...
? :  Of course! You can come at the evening for more informations and stuff.
Rye : Thank you

Minutes later we went to Starbucks

Andy:   So it was very easy
Rye: Actually yes
*phone ringing *
Andy: OH it's my mum
Phone call
Andy: Yes?
Mum: How was the house?
Andy: It was amazing! You have to come and see it. But not today because Rye will go to the work.
Mum: OMG you found a job?
Andy: Yes he found
Mum: That was fast
Andy: I know hahaha. OK I have to close. See you tomorrow! ♡ Love you mum
Mum: Love you Andy! ♡
Andy: I'm so happy! *kiss


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