Chapter 36

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7 months later
I have Pasa the exams for the university and I am studying music. Now I am looking for a job in a band or something like that. Our wedding will be in 5 months June 17. Rye is 20 and I will be 19. Our relationship is going very good, Rye found a job in a café and I have today a business meeting with a manager. Now it's evening time am we are sitting at the living room with Jack, Brook, Sofie and Mikey

Rye : so do u want to go on a vocation at the weekend?
All:  yes!!
Mikey: we can go to Santorini it is very nice
Rye: yeah I always wanted to go there but we can't
Andy : why?
Rye: I have plans to go there with u in our honeymoon
Andy : awww Ryan
I went straight up to hug him
Brook: cute
Jack: we can go to my cottage in Ireland it is very good
Sofie: very good idea Jack. Can I invite a friend with her boyfriend?
Jack: sure it has 5 bedrooms and to each room 1 bathroom.
Mikey: perfect but who babe?
Sofie: Liv and Alex
Mikey: OK
Rye: who is Liv? Do I know her?
Brook: yeah rye your school crush
Rye: OMG LOL cringe
Andy : so in 2 days at jacks cottage me, Rye, Jack, brook, mikey, sofie, liv and Alex. You can come here and we will go all together.
Jack: yeah OK. So we have to go because I need to book tickets
Rye : OK see you
Mikey: yeah we have to go too. Rye the food was amazing see you bro
Sofie: bye guys
Andy: bye


In 2 hours Andy will go on the meeting and I have to do something because I am bored

Rye: Andy hi babe
Andy: what's up?
Rye: do you want to play monopoly?
Andy : yes

After 2 minutes I see Andy walking downstairs with the monopoly
Rye: Andy? What is that?
Andy : monopoly?!
Rye: yeah but I didn't mean it
Andy : let's play monopoly

I am winning rye on monopoly

Rye: I got bored and I am losing
He comes slowly to me
Rye: do you want *kiss* to do *kiss* something else? *kiss*
Andy :l-like?
Rye: something *kiss* more fun? *kiss*
Andy : I have to go in an hour
Awww cutie
Andy :  *kiss* I am going to take a shower
Rye: *smirk *
Andy: alone
Rye: 😢

I got into the bathroom and I locked the door


I am bored this week I am free. Andy finished with his shower


Andy: rye get out I want to dress

When I was dressing up rye's phone rang. It was a message from '' junior high school crush''

JHSC: hi I am liv I want to ask you your address because sofie told me that we will meet at your house
Rye: Andy are you ready?
Rye came in the room
Rye : what are you doing there?
Andy : liv text u
Rye: really?
Andy : she asked for the address answer her I have to get ready


Rye : sure it is..... *I changed her name of course *
Liv: thank you see you soon

It is 5:15 in 5 minutes I will drive Andy to the Cafe

Rye:  Andy? Are you ready?
Andy: yes I am coming


Rye : good luck babe *kiss*
Andy: thank you babe *kiss*

Andy : hello I am Andy fowler
? : hello andy I am.....

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