Chapter 27

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Today I'm leaving from the hospital after 3 months. It felt like 1 week but Ok.

Rye: Babe good morning!
Andy: Good morning baby. How are you?
Rye: I'm fine you?
Andy: Now I'm good... I missed you
Rye: I missed you too babe
Andy: No.. I missed you 😏 😉
Rye: oh I understand *soft kiss*

Doctor: Good morning! How are you feeling today Andy?
Andy: Better
Doctor: good! Well Ryan can you do me a favor?
Rye: Yes of course
Doctor: I want you to go and sign a paper for Andrew.
Rye: Yeah. See you in a bit babe *kiss*
Andy: See ya! ♡


While I was going to sign the paper for Andy I heard someone calling me.

? : Rye?
Rye: Yeah!? Caleb!!what are you doing here?
Caleb: Shh Rye please listen
Rye: What?? 🙄
Caleb: I have called you and texted you a lot of times. Why aren't you answering? What did I do to you?
Rye: Caleb I have to go!
Caleb: No Rye wait!
Rye: Bye!


I will find Andy and you will see what is going to happen.


Doctor: OK now you can leave. I hope to see you again but not here
Andy: Yeah!
Rye: Bye!

Rye: She was very good and kind
Andy: I know she was lovely. Well now we can go home 😏
Rye: Yeah. But why are you smirking me?
Andy: Rye... I missed you..
Rye: Babe.. Please. It's your first day out from the hospital!
Andy: *puppy eyes *
Rye: Aww look at this cutie *kiss*But still no
Andy: We will see about that!


Rye: Home
Andy: Yeah!!
Rye: I am gonna take a shower and you are gonna take a nap okay?
Andy: OK...OK (lol nope)

*⚠ SMUT ⚠️*😏😉♡(enjoy) ♡

I went upstairs to our bedroom to see if Rye was in there. And he is in the bathroom.
I opened slowly the door, I took off my clothes and I went slowly into the bath. I went behind him and put my hands on his shoulders. I gave him a massage.
Rye: Andy... I told you -
Andy: Shh babe...I know you want it
Rye: But you are tired and -
Andy: I'm not... Don't worry

He put his arms around my waist and he came closer to me.

Rye: I love you.
Andy: I love you too.

I kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck. He bit my bottom lip to ask for access and I happily approve letting his tongue explore my mouth. I felt him kiss my jawline as he started to slowly jerk me off, he kissed down my neck until he found my soft spot and made me moan.


Rye: Turn around *I whisper in his ear*
I kissed his cheek
Rye: Relax
Andy:R-Rye I n-need you now *he moaned*
Rye: What do you want baby? 😏
Andy: fuck me!
I started riding him


I pulled out and kissed him

Andy: That was-
Rye: I fucking hot babe
Andy: Yeah! *he pulled me into a kiss *

This time we really took a shower 😉 😂and we went to rest.

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