Chapter 7

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I knock the door to his room.

Rye: Andy?
Andy: Can I come in?
Rye:  Yes
Andy: Hi... Sorry I see that you are studying I basic-
Rye: How can I help you?
Andy: I just wanted to ask you if you will go out?
Rye: Maybe I don't know why?
Andy: Nothing.. A friend will come and -
Rye: To know if you are alone?
Andy: Yes
Rye: I'll go I'm not in the mood to spoil what you will do.
Andy: You don't have to leave
Rye: No I will leave
Andy: I don't want to...
Rye: But I want!!

He got up and he took off his shirt and put a hoodie on. His body was so.. 🔥 🔥 🔥

Rye: Will Alex come?
Andy: Yeah...

He took 10$. He kisses me in the cheek.

Rye : Have fun... Andy
Andy: Why you done that?
Rye: I want you to think about it while you... Are doing something with... Him...

Andy: Baby!!! I missed you!!

I jumped to him and I stared to kiss him, what an actor, I'm proud!

Alex: Can we go to your room?
Andy: Did you miss me ?
Alex: If we go to your room I'll show you.
We went to my room and he pushed me to my bed.
Andy: Alex.. Please I'm not ready...
Alex: I can't wait anymore
He stared to kiss me.
Andy: Alex please you are hurting me..
Alex: Shut the fuck up!

I pull him off of me but not for so long. He pushed me. I heard the door open from downstairs... 😭

Andy: HELP!! Please Alex!!! Go away!!
Rye: Andy?!?!?

Rye punch him in the face
Rye: Go now!! Dickhead!!

Alex run outside and I laughed a little bit. When Alex gone I run to Rye's hug. He hugged me too and he kissed my forehead.

Andy: Thank you so so much Rye
Rye: Let me see what he done to you
*my nose had blood. *
Rye: I will kill him

He hugged me again and we went to the bathroom to clean my nose. Then he carried me to my bed.

Andy:thank you
Rye: You said it Andy
Andy: Why did you come back?
Rye: I couldn't think that you are alone with him in the house
Andy: Did it bother you?
Rye: Yes! It bothered me!
Andy: Why?...
Rye: Because you are only mine
Rye: I want you..
Andy: Me?
He nods
Andy: Kiss me!

His lips touched mine and he put his hands carefully to my waist.
His hands went a little bit down...

Andy: Rye...
Rye: Yes?
Andy: I'm a virgin and I don't w-
Rye: It's ok. I understand.
I smiled at him.


I kissed his forehead

Rye: Good night beautiful! Now go to sleep because tomorrow you have school! ♡

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