Chapter 22

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I went straight up to the bathroom. I saw Andy on the floor. I start crying and I went closer to him. I took him and place his head on my legs. He is too weak. I place my hand to his neck to feel his pulse. OK he is alive. I felt his hand wiping out my tears.

Rye: Babe please don't leave me. Stay strong. It's all gonna be ok. I called the ambulance.

I said and started crying.
I saw him closing his eyes.

Rye: No my love don't close your eyes please!
Andy:I want you... To know
He said with weakness
Rye: Shh don't talk
Andy: That... I love you..

He said and he closed his eyes when the ambulance arrived.

I'm sitting here 2 hours and waiting for news. My dad and Andy's mum are here too. I can't...

Peter: Rye please calm down, don't cry.. It's all gonna be OK.
Rye: And if -
Peter: He will be OK.

After minutes I saw a doctor coming to us.

Doctor : Hi! Are you relatives with Andrew fowler?
All: Yes
Doctor: So Andrew Fowler had a panic attack and it has happened again.

Damn he said to me that he got over it.

Doctor : And he had an asthma attack too. So he fainted.

I had to be there... It's all my fault..

Doctor: we hope that he will wake up till tomorrow if not he will get in a coma.
Rye: Can I see him?
Doctor : Of course

I went inside. I saw Andy on a bed with some stuff on him and his face was more white. FUCK he's still handsome! How!?

Rye: Andy.. Baby.. Fovvy.. Fovlove.. Sweetheart.. I want you to know that I'm not happy without you. I don't have a life without you. Because you are my life, my breath I love you and I don't want to lose you. I want from you to stay strong because I want to see again those beautiful blue eyes, I want to hug you and kiss you again. I miss you. Please don't leave me alone I LOVE YOU!


I can hear him but I can't do anything. I'm too weak. I want to rest. I just want to say to him that I love him too but...


It's 11:00 pm. I'm here 20 minutes. My dad and Andy's mum came here to see him and now they are leaving because they wanted to rest. I will stay here till he will wake up.
I'm sitting on a chair beside Andy. I'm holding his hand. And I slept.... ♡

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