Chapter 39

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Jack: it is sounds good but I am gonna think about it
Andy: OK its your decision
Rye: yeah mate
Brook: OK now do you have any breakfast?
Andy : sure we have left some food
Jack: Yes! I am so hungry
Al l:😂😂

They finished breakfast and now Jack and Brook are leaving

Rye: bye bros see you later
Brook: bye!
Andy: Jack think about it please
Jack: I will!

Jack and Brook left

Andy: so what are we gonna do today?
Rye: we can watch a movie for now if you want...
Andy: sure

While we werWhile we were watching the movie I got a call from Blair


Andy: yeah?
Blair: hi Andy its Blair
Andy: oh hi Blair how are you?
Blair: good how are you?
Andy: good thank you
Blair : so what are we gonna do?
Andy: I have found two other boys Ryan and Brook
Blair: OK thats good but I want to hear their voices
Andy : sure we can meet somewhere or if you want you can come to our house
Blair :  sure I prefer the house its more private
Andy:  OK thats our adress *****
Blair : thank
Andy:  OK thats our adress *****
Blair : thanks
Andy: you can Come today at 6.00 if you want
Blair: OK I will see you then
Andy : sure bye Blair

*📞 end Of call📞*

Rye: what happend?
Andy: Blair the manager will Come here at 6.00 to hear our voices
Rye: oh OK I am nervous
Andy: you dont have to be your voice is amazing
Rye: awww thank you Babe *kiss*

I start kissing him with more passion and he entered his tongue in my mouth then I went to take off his shirt but the phone stop us

RyeRye: ohh who is it now? *with anger*
Andy: it is Jack


Andy:  yeah? *annoying*
Jack: oh bro did I stop you from something?
Andy: actually YES!
Jack: sorry bro I Just wanted to tell you that I want to join in the band too
Andy: thats very good news! Oh and Come with Brook at 6.00 at our house
Jack: sure but why?
Andy: Blair wants to see us
Jack: sorry but who is Blair?
Andy: 😂 It is our manager
Jack: OK see you later mate
Andy: later!

*📞end Of call📞*

Rye: what are the very good news?
Andy: Jack wants to join the band
Rye: OMG this is amazing
Andy: I know right
Rye: yeah but do you know what else is amazing?
Andy: what?
Rye: you 😍
Andy : awww you are cute Babe
Rye: I know came here now...
Andy: 😂 😂

You know what happend next.....

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