Chapter 38

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Andy's POV :

I woke up into Rye's hands 😍. I felt protective and amazing. I felt Rye moving and he said with his pretty morning voice.

Rye : Good morning my future husband.
Andy : Good morning sweetheart.
Rye : How do you feel today?
Andy : i feel a little bit of pain down there.
Rye : Ohh.. I am sorry babe I was too rough with you last night.
Andy : Yes but just a little bit. I loved it to be honest.
Rye : Ok you can rest right here and I am going to prepare us with breakfast
Andy: ok babe

Rye was taking a lot time so I went down to see what is he doing...

When I went downstairs I saw him in the kitchen cooked some bacon and eggs . I went behind him and I wrapped my arms around his waist .

Rye: can u please set up the table for me?
Andy: sure babe.

I put two plates on the table and then I took two glasses and I put on the table also. I sat down on a chair and I waited for my love to come and eat .
While we were eating I asked rye something

Andy: so what is your choice?
Rye: about what?
Andy: for the band
Rye: oh yeah so I decided that I will join the band
Andy: OMG babe thank you so much

I went straight up to him and I start kissing him Everywhere

Rye: too many kisses ❤️😂
Andy: *blushes* so we have to call Jack and Brook because I want to ask them the same .
Rye: sure I am going upstairs to dress up and you call them
Andy: ok

Andy: goodmorning mate
Jack: morning Andy what's up?Andy: so I wanted to ask you if you and brook can come to our house to talk about something.
Jack: yes sure but what about it is ???
Andy: for music
Jack: ok we are coming in 30 minutes
Andy: ok see you soon bro
Jack: ok bye bro
Andy: bye

So I went upstairs to dress up to and when I opened the door I saw rye shirtless

So I went upstairs to dress up to and when I opened the door I saw rye shirtless

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Andy: jesus christ Ryan!
Rye: what??
Andy: nothing....just put a shirt on please Jack and brook will be here in minutes
Rye: why ?? Don't you like what you see??
Andy: I mean it's ok....
Rye: just ok
Andy: no but just put the fucking shirt on
Rye: ok calm down babe
Andy: sorry....
Rye: it's ok came here *hugs him *😍😍

So we dress up and we went downstairs and sat to the living room . Minutes later the bell rang

Rye: I am coming!
*Rye opens the door*
Jack: hey
Brook: hey
Rye: hi guys come in
Andy: how are you guys?
Brook: a little sleepy but fine
Jack: shut up you slept a lot
Andy: did you sleep at his house?
Brook: *blushes* yeah....
Rye: *smirk *
Jack: shut up !
Rye-Andy: 😂😂😂
Jack: so what do you wanted to ask us?
Andy: oh yes so we though about many making a boyband?
Brook: OMG that would be sick
Rye: so you are in?
Brook: yes!!
Andy: Yes we are 3 what about you Jack?
Jack: It's sounds good but I'm gonna think about it


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