Chapter 9

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It has been 5 days since the last time I talked to Andy. I know I was mean to him but he defended his ''ex'' boyfriend.We are sitting on the table and eating lunch. He can't even look at me! From the other hand I look at him all the time.

Andy's mum: Eat,we are going upstairs. Don't fight please.

It has been 5 minutes and I just look at him.

Andy: Do I have something? *he said with anger 💢 *

Rye: No you are beautiful... Why don't you talk to me? What the heck I did to you? You defended your.... Ex.. Sorry for shouting at you. Please talk to me. Andy.... Baby... Fovlove.... ♡

He run to me and stop me with a kiss on my lips. What nice way to stop someone. From talking... ♡

Andy: Sorry.....
Rye:upstairs now!


We have put a movie on Netflix and to be honest I'm bored.

Andy: Baby.... I'm bored..
Rye: What do you want to do?


He drop the laptop on the floor and he got on the top of me.
He stared kissing me...

Rye: A-andy.... Our parents are home..
Andy: And?
He went to the door and locked it.
Andy: Now no one can stop us. 😏 😉


Yes I was ready but not now.. I want my first time to be romantic and to be alone with him...
I started kissing him and he pulled my shirt off and I pulled his off.

Rye: I know that we aren't gonna continue that... why are you starting it? Do you want me to take a cold shower?
Andy: Sorry.... Did I turn you on? I
I went and sat on his d*ck
Rye: A... Andy we can continue with the movie...?

I got off of him. I didn't want him to take a cold shower.. He will get ill... ♡


The movie finished. Andy is sleeping on my chest.. After 10 minutes just staring at Andy. I heard a knock at the door.

Peter: Rye we are going at the supermarket do you want anything?
Rye: No! Thanks!
Peter: Andy! Do you want something from the supermarket? *He went out of Andy's room*
Andy: N-
I stop him with a kiss (the way we were taking) 😉
Rye: Andy went out, he went to break up with Alex.
Andy: Ryan!! (he whispered to me)
Peter: Oh ok we are leaving bye!
Rye: Bye!
I turn to him and I saw him taking off his clothes and stays with only his boxers.
Andy: I'm going to take a shower
Rye: Ok I'm going after you.


OMG I didn't get a towel
Andy: Ryan!!
Rye: Yes?
Andy: Can you bring me a towel?
Rye: Ok wait

I went out from the bath and I was waiting for Rye.


I went into the bathroom slowly and I put the towel around Andy's waist.

Andy: Rye!!
Rye: What? Did I do something babe?
Andy: You actually need that cold shower!! 😏


Me and Rye today we are closing 2 moths.
We are sitting at the living room because Rye's dad and my mum want to tell us something

Peter: So Rye.... and your mum decided to.....
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