Chapter 8

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I woke up beside Rye. He wore only his boxers... 🔥😉😏
It was 7:30 in the morning so I got ready for school. I grabbed my backpack and when I was ready to go. I heard Rye saying something to me....♡

Rye: You are leaving without saying goodbye?
Andy: Did I wake you up?
Rye: Yes but it's okay because I want to kiss you all the time.

He grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me.

Rye: Good luck with the test
Andy: Thank you

I kissed him and then I left.
I'm waiting school to finish because I want to get into Rye's hug... ♡
Mum: Go wash your hands and come to eat Andy.

I went to the bathroom and while I was washing my hands I felt two arms on my waist.

Andy: Baby.. Hold on.. We have to go downstairs..
Rye : I can't.. I'm turning only to the sound of your name.
Andy: Andy.... Andy.... Andy... Andy 😏
I started to touch him. I went down to his V line.
Rye: A-ndy.... We h-ave... To g-o downstairs.
Andy: Why? What's wrong? 😏
Rye: You are t-u-r-ning me on baby.... And I can't go downstairs with a bonner.
I kissed him.
Andy: Ok.. Come...


I felt Andy's arm on my leg

Peter: So Andy how was school?
Andy:  The test was very easy.
Mum: I told  you
Andy:  mum....
Mum: You can go out with Alex
Andy: I don't know....


Andy: Rye?
Rye: Come in....

I closed the door

Andy: Baby? Are you okay?
Rye: Baby? You haven't broke up with Alex.
Andy: Rye?? What...??
Rye: Your stupid boyfriend did something to my car.!!
Andy: Are you sure it was him? I don't think he did something like that..
Rye: You are with him now??!!?!?
  *he screamed*
Rye: Did I scared you prince?

I tried to hold my tears but I couldn't anymore...

Rye: Awww you're crying now?

*I slap him*

Andy: YOU ARE A BITCH!! I hate you....

I went to my room.,I'm so angry with him right now... 😡
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