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I can't sleep.

It sucks.

I know corbyn and Jonah are asleep

I mean when are they not?

Wait I can text Zach.

(Text format)

J- hey Zach it's jack

Z- oh hey

J- sorry if it's to late I know it 1:25 AM

Z- nah it's fine I couldn't sleep anyways

J- oh why? If you don't care for me asking

Z- it's raining

J- usually people sleep better in the rain...

Z- it's a thunder storm. I mean they scare me.

J- ohh. I'm sorry. Do you wanna ft or something?

Z- yeah sure. Maybe it'll help us both sleep

J- okay I'll call you.


Do I really wanna ft him.

I mean he is scared so maybe it'll help him.

I may only be doing a bet but I can't let him be scared and feel alone.

I'm not that bad of a person okay.

So I called him.

He answered after 3 rings.

"Hey" he said. He looked really cute not gonna lie. He had sleepily eyes. His hair was messy in all the right places. It was plain out adorable.

"Hey Zach" I said

"What do we talk about" he asked

"Wanna get to know eachother" I asked

"Sure." He said

"Alright. I'm Jack Avery. I'm 17. I have 3 sisters. I skateboard. I only have 2 good friends corbyn and Jonah. Uhhh" I said and he smiled

"Well I'm Zach Herron. I'm 16. I have 2 siblings. I play soccer. I have really only 1 good friend Daniel." He said and I smiled

"Well I heard you're really good at soccer" I said and he laughed. "Why did you laugh" I asked

"Because. I know I'm good at soccer I get told that all the time. I want to be known for me. Not just because I'm the MVP of the soccer team. You get Me" he said and I nodded

"Yeah. Usually people only know me because I'm the supposedly the bad ass of the school. No one tries to get to know me they just walk off or don't associate with me. I mean don't get me wrong I like having a small friend group but, when people just ignore you it hurts" I said

"Yeah I get it. But look I'll be your friend. We can get to know eachother more and stuff if you want" he said and I thought about it. Maybe the bet will turn into something better. A actual friend that cares or even a boyfriend.

"Jack you there" zach said I must have zoned out

"Oh yeah sorry. I'd like that you know if we got closer" I said and he smiled

"Wanna know a secret" he asked me

"Yeah what is it" I said

"I- well I sing. I play guitar too" he said and I smiled

"No way. Me too. I play the piano also" I said and he smiled

"No one knows but my family. I'm to shy to tell anyone" he said

"Same here" I said

"Maybe after school you can come over and we can sing something together" he said

"I'd like that" I said

"You have a car" he asked

"Yeah. Actually" I said

"Okay I'll ride home with you" he said

"Okay sounds good. You sleepy yet" I asked

"Uh well Yeah. You think we could fall asleep on the phone" he asked and I smiled once more

"I can sing to you if you like" I said and he nodded

I started singing a little song and he relaxed and fell asleep.

"Goodnight zach" I said and fell asleep too.

I know I have to do the bet but can't I call it off

I mean Zach is really nice.

I actually like him

I don't want to do the stupid bet

I want to get to know him

Ugh I'm so stupid !!

(Time skip)

So I just woke up.

I done all of the hygiene things.

I decided on wearing a white thrasher hoody.

Black ripped skinny jeans.

White nike Air Force 1s

And my hair just normal. (Curls)

I have a good feeling about today.


(Message from corbyn)

C- hey dude

J- hey c

C- wanna hang after school

J- I would but I have plans

C- plans?

J- talk at school

C- okay see u there


Once I arrived at school I saw corbyn and Jonah waiting on me but then I saw Zach wave at me and Daniel looked really confused.

I waved back at Zach and he smiled so I smiled back.

"Hey jack" Corbyn said so I walked towards them

"Hey corbyn" I said

"So why can't you hang out" he asked

"I'm hanging out with Zach later" I said

"Ooo someone's getting somewhere already" Jonah said and I smacked him

"Actually jo he's really nice" I said and he laughed

"Okay Yeah sure" Jonah said and I flipped him off and ran to Zach

"Hey Zach wait up" I said and he looked back at me

"Uh hey jack" he said

"Hey I know we have 1st period together wanna walk to class" I said and he nodded of course Daniel was still confused

"Wait what? What are you? Who are you? Why?" Daniel said really confused

"Well Dani. Me and jack are friends and we're hanging out after school" zach said

"Um why? You know how he is." Daniel said and I frowned

"Shut up Daniel. Come on jack" Zach said and we walked off

"Hey you didn't have to do that you know" I said

"I saw what you did to Jonah" zach said

"I don't get why people don't want us to be friends" I said

"Yeah same" zach said

We walked to class and it was nice.

We had a good conversation one of the best ones I've had in a while actually.

I'm glad I made the bet. But for different reasons.

I may have actually made a good friend ship.

It was already 1000 words so I'll finish next chapter

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