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June 17th
7:30 pm

They were setting in the living room eating some chips and snacks.

"Guys we actually need to talk" jack said

"Yeah. Zach Lucas ain't my kid but me Daniel and Jonah are just as much of a parent to him as you. Except we've actually been here his whole life. So you need to make a choice" corbyn said

"I understand you have a job. Your a singer and you are famous. Except Zach you have a child. You have to try and be here for him. Jack and Lucas have been doing fine. And you can't come in and out of Lucas's life like you are tying to do." Daniel said

"I ain't letting my lil man get hurt Zachary. So try and work something out" Jonah said

"Zach. These last couple of days have been fun. I've missed it. But Lucas is my priority here." Jack said

Zach thought for a minute and then spoke.

"I don't have tour till around October this year. So I can be in your guys life. But I still have studio time and interviews and stuff that I have to do. But I want to be in your life guys all of you." Zach said

"Okay. Then it's set. But you have to hold to your promise Zach you can't up and leave. You have to promise not to go." Jack said

"I promise" Zach said

Zach held that promise.

Fans started noticing him around LA way more than usual.

He was spotted with Lucas all the time.

And jack and the guys.

No one knew why either so they started posting on drama accounts and stuff was popping up everywhere even the paparazzi was in on it.

July 5th
Jacks 19.

"Hey jack" Zach said as they were cleaning up the apartment.

"Yeah what's up" jack asked

"Well I'm staying here a lot more often and sleep on the couch. What if you moved into my house or something" zach asked

"I don't know zach. I enjoy living next to the guys. And Lucas is used to it" jack said

"Well actually corbyn and Daniel are moving into a house down the road from me because Daniel is becoming big in the music industry for his sounds. Jonah is becoming famous for his baseball league. Honestly I think we all forgot he played. And they are moving down the road from corbyn and Daniel. So you'll be alone" zach said and jack understood what he was saying.

"I get what your trying to say. But wouldn't it be weird since we're not even together" jack said

"That's my next suggestion" zach said

"What is it" jack asked

"I bet you won't go on a date with Me" zach said with a wink

"Okay. But who's gonna watch Lucas" jack asked

"My mom." Zach said

"Oh. Okay" jack said and they started to pack.

Jack couldn't believe that he was moving into Zach's house.

I mean it's a mansion.

And he couldn't even believe that they were actually getting famous.

Sure jack had his restaurant but that's nothing compared to Zach and his friends.

Secret is jack and corbyn always wanted to either make a skateboard company or a fashion company but never were able to do it.

Tomorrow Zach was going to take jack on a date and he was nervous as hell.

Jack and Zach decided to let Lucas stay at Mytas for the night so they went and dropped him off.

"Lucas buddy be good for Mamaw ok?" Jack said

"Otay dada" Lucas said and tried running to Myta.

But before he could jack gave him the biggest hug and kiss.

"I love you bub" jack said

"Wuv you to" Lucas said and ran to Myta.

"Bye thanks mom" zach said

"Bye honey" Myta said and they left.

It was there first night staying together alone in forever and saying that they both were nervous wasn't even half of it....

Guys I'm sorry for these last couple of chapters being boring

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