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So we're in class and it's math.

I hate math.

I suck at it.

"Hey do you have a pencil" zach asked me since we're table partners.

"Uhh let me check in my bag" i said and he laughed

"Sorry. But I have a pencil I was just trying to start conversation" Zach said while laughing

"Oh well then hi" I said and we bursted out laughing

"Zach jack be quiet" the teacher said and we laughed even more

"S-sorry m-rs" I said whilst laughing

"Y-yeah s-Orry" zach said

"That's it you 2 out of my class" she said and so we did. We left.

Since it had pretty much just started we had a whole hour left.

We weren't sent to the office so that was good tho.

"Jack!!" Zach said as we walked down the hall

"Yeah that's my name" I said and he laughed

"That's the first time I've ever been kicked it of class" zach said

"What no way" I said

"Yes way. I'm a good kid remember" he said

"Oh I'm sorry Zach I didn't mean too"i said and sat down next to the lockers

"No it's fine. I actually enjoyed it I mean we're juniors I can live a little right?" He said sat next to me

"Right" i said and we smiled

Zach and I may have just met. And started talking but I feel like we're bestfriends.

But the bet.

What if, what if he finds out!?

Oh god I can't think about that

He may not even be gay what am I talking about

I'm getting my hopes up to early and to fast.

"Hey jack" he said

"Yes Zach" I said

"You drove your car here right? Wait I'm riding home with you later so of course you did. But how about we skip?" Zach said and I was shocked

"You sure you want to?" I asked

"Yes jack. Let's go" he said and he jumped up and reached his hand out for me to grab it

"Okay then let's go" i said

So we skipped.

We went back to his house and his parents were at work so it was fine.

Since it was early we decided to just chill in his room.

"You wanna watch Netflix" he asked me

"Yeah sure" I said and he grabbed his laptop and placed it on the bed.

We took off our shoes and he jumped on the bed.

"Here" he said and patted the spot next to him

"Ok" I said and laid down next to him.

He kind of scooted over near me, not a lot just subtle.

I decided to scoot closer to him too.

Surprisingly he didn't care he slowly wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my chest.

𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕪 - 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕥Where stories live. Discover now