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Thanks guys now let's get to the book.

November 2nd

Me and Zach were laying in my bed.
My mom came in and she woke me up.

"Hey honey we were wondering if you wanted to go to church today?" She asked me

"I'll see if Zach does. And I'll let you know" I said and she walked out

My family was religious but not super religious.
We don't always go to church but we do sometimes.

My church is pretty casual to so I'm lucky for that.

I shook Zach to try and wake him up and he just groaned.

He reached his arms out for me to come back and cuddle him.

"Zachy you have to get up. I need to know if you want to go to church" I said and he kept reaching for me so I gave in.

"I can only cuddle for a couple mins. But do you want to go to church" I said and he nodded.

I forgot how religious his family was so he goes like every Sunday.

Eventually we got up and I gave him some jeans and a nice shirt to wear.

We went back downstairs and my family got in the car.

We have a van considering I have 3 sisters.

Me and Zach rode in the back with my sister Sydnie and Ava and isla rode in the middle.

Zach interlocked our hands and set them in his leg.

"So you to are back together I see" Sydnie said and Zach and I blushed.

"Y-yeah" zach said

"I'm glad. You make him happy Zach. Just both of you don't get in drama your good for eachother and I don't want to see either of you hurt" she said and I smiled

"Thanks syd" I said and she nodded and got on her phone.

Soon enough we pulled into the church parking lot and got out.

We walked in and Zach got nervous.

"Zachy don't get nervous they don't care if your gay or not. So please calm down it'll be okay" I said and he nodded but stayed close to me.

We found a seat and sat down.
Then the service started.

We were about to leave when someone stopped my mom.

"Kristen. Is that your sons boyfriend" the woman asked and Zach tensed up and held onto me.

"Yes it is. He finally got one" my mom said and she laughed

"I'm glad. I thought it would be forever before jack got one" she said and they laughed

"Jack do you not remember her. She used to help babysit you when you were little bitty" my mom said and I laughed and smiled.

Zach eased back up and we went to the car.
He laid his head on my shoulder the whole time and I just whispered sweet things to him.

Last night Zach was my savior and today I'm somewhat his.

"So do you guys want to go to the cafe/diner thing" my dad asked

"Yesss" isla yelled

"Is that okay with you Zach" my mom asked and he smiled

"Yes it is" zach said

When we got there we sat at the table and everyone had a casual conversation.

"Zach are you okay you seem really tense today" I asked him but to were no one else could hear

"Yeah. It was just weird going into the church with you. Mostly because how religious mine is." Zach said and I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"Don't ever be ashamed of who you are Zachy. If someone says anything to you I'll kill them. Okay?" I said and he nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you baby" he said and I smiled

The waitress saw and she smiled at us.

"You 2 make a great couple" she said and I laughed and thanked her.

"I got lucky with him didn't i" zach said and kissed him

"You sure did babe" I said and isla made a yuck sound

"Isla shut up their cute" Ava said and lightly smacked her

Zach and I laughed.

We ordered our food. Ate it and left.

By the time we got home it was 3:00 PM.

Zach said he had to go so I kissed him and he left.

"I love you Zachy byeee" I said

"Bye baby I love you to" he said and left.

The rest of the day I just chilled in my room.

I don't think I'm ready to go back to school tomorrow.

It'll be the first time me and my friend group hangout since the incident.

And Jonah will be joining.

Wow I'm really gonna have to do that.

Atleast I'll have Zach with me....

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