The shop

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The next morning me and corbyn got ready and left for school.

We were trying to make a plan to stop Jonah but couldn't think of anything.

We just decided to ignore him and hope for the best.

Me and corbyn were skateboarding to school, because we missed just hanging out.

As we were we saw Daniel and Zach walking too, so I called out to Zach and he and Daniel turned around toward us.

"Jacky" Zach called running towards me. I hopped off my board and hugged him.

Good thing only Dani and corbs were here.

"Hey Zach" I said

"Well Hey corbyn" Daniel said and laughed

"Hey Dani. Looks like we might be 3rd and 4th wheeling" corbyn said

"Guess so" Daniel said and they started walking in front of us

As I was skating Zach was walking next to me and we had a mini conversation.

It was a peaceful morning for all 4 of us and we loved it.

Once we were at school we parted ways.

I saw Jonah in the hall ways but just glared at him and he did the same back.

To think he used to be one of my bestfriends.

At lunch us 4 sat together and corbyn and Daniel got along pretty good.

I loved that we all got along so well it was good for me and Zach.

"So how about this Friday we all go out to the fair?" Zach suggested

"The fair is in town" Corbyn asked

"Yeah it came early this year" zach said

"Yeah I'm down" Daniel said

"Me too" jack said

"Sounds good" corbyn said

So we planned on Friday after school I will drive us there.

I placed my hand on Zach's thigh as we were eating. He flinched at first but relaxed under my touch.

I saw him blush and smiled at him.

He picked up my hand and interlaced his with mine.

It was nice. I can get used to this.

(Time skip)
<parking lot>

School just ended and I'm setting outside just riding my skateboard.

I'm waiting on corbyn to come out or Daniel or Zach.

Wait shit Zach had practice :(

A few minutes later I saw Daniel and wait is that corbyn.

They walked out together laughing and having a nice time.

Oooo I ship it.

I saw Jonah walking out a few people after them and he didn't seem happy.

Since DORBYN decided to leave without me I skated towards the soccer field.

I'm not in the mood to talk to hoenah.

Once i got to the field I saw Zach there, he was having the time of his life, he wasn't like the other players he was enjoying it, he was meant to be out there on the field playing in front of 100s of people. Being the center of attention, having people cheer him on as soon as he steps out there, as soon as he gets the ball.

I love watching him play. It brings me joy seeing him have joy.

Some people would say I fell in love to fast and to hard.

My reply is, if you find someone you can enjoy your time with and be yourself when around them and you do love them then go for it. Have the Time of your life. As long as you and your partner love eachother don't worry about no body else's opinion it's your life not theirs.

A little while later Zach came out of practice I took a snap video of him walking towards me and posted it on my story. Sure no one knows we're together but they know we're "friends".

"Jack? I didn't know you were staying" zach says walking towards me. He was sweaty but he looked beautiful.

"Yeah I decided to. Mostly because Dani and bean left me and because I wanted to see my boyfriend." I said and he blushed and smiled.

"Aww jackyyy" he said and since we was farther from everyone he hugged me.

His hugs are magical.

"So want me to walk you home or?" I asked him

"Can we walk to the ice cream shop?" He asked me and I smiled and nodded

He's so childish but it's adorable. I swear he brings out my inner 6 year old.

As we walked towards the ice cream shop I was skating and would sometimes skate farther in front of him and he would chase after me and yell at me. I laughed at him everytime.

"You know Jack you should be the one running atleast I play a sport" he said and I stopped and stared at him

"I didn't mean it like that jack I'm sorry" he said

"Well maybe you should learn how to skate so you wouldn't have to run. Oh wait your to clumsy too" I said and he stared at me and gasped

"How dare you make fun of my clumsiness" he said and we laughed

I love how we have the same sense of humor.

After we got our ice cream we sat outside.

Zach got ice cream on his nose and I couldn't help but stare at him. In adoration. He's beautiful.

"Do I have something on my face" he asked me

"Yes. But you're also beautiful" I said and he blushed

"Where?" He asked me

"Well here let me get it" I said and reached over to wipe it off

As I was we stared into eachothers eyes and I felt like forever and so fast at the same time.

I started leaning in and so did he eventually our lips connected. It was a slow and passionate kiss. So many sparks were felt. It wasn't a heated one, it was short but amazing.

We both pulled back and were blushing profusely.

We finished our ice cream in silence, only making short glances at eachother.

We started heading back to his house, of course I was gonna head to mine.

I decided to speak up.

"Zach" I said and he looked at me

"Y- yeah" he said

"Uh so about the kiss" I said

"It was something" he said

"Yeah, did you enjoy it?" I asked and he just stared at me


Ahhaha cliffhanger

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