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It's the weekend now. So it's been like 5 days since I hung out at Zach's house.

We've actually been hanging out a lot.

I feel bad tho, I haven't really talked to jo or bean since the fight, and z hasn't talked to dani since then either really.

Me and Zach have been spending a whole lot of time together.

Mostly at school or me watching him practice then us going to the park or something.

Actually right now I'm helping him learn to skateboard.

It's funny watching him he always falls but I'm always there to catch him.

I don't think he likes likes me.

But I sure do know I wanna call him mine.


Z- hey jack wanna hang out ?

J- yeah sure. When?

Z- 30 mins. Park?

J- sounds good see you there.

Z- kk


I decided on wearing black joggers. A Nike black hoody. White nike a.f. 1s. My hair was in a bun.

Instead of driving to the park since it was only 5 mins away I skated.

Once I got there Zach was waiting I'm guessing he walked because nothing else was there with him.

"Zachyyyyy" i said skating to Him

"Huh? Oh jackyyyyy" he said running towards me

He was wearing white skinny jeans a red huf hoody and checker low top vans. Somehow he made it look hot.

"So you wanna swing or something" I asked him. Sure it sounded childish but who cares.

"Or we can practice my skating again" he said and I laughed

"Yeah id love that" I said and he smiled

We practiced and he got the hang of it for a min until he fell.

But this time he fell HARD.

"Zach"I sreamed running towards him he was crying and he had blood dripping down his leg.

Poor white jeans.

"J-jack it h-hurts" he crys

"I'm so sorry Zach!! I'll take you home." I said and called my mom considering she was off work.

She came and picked us up and told Zach that we would fix him up at home we didn't need to go to the hospital which was good news.

Once we got home I helped Zach to the bathroom got the first aid kit and cleaned him up.

It was gonna bruise pretty badly but besides that he would be okay.

Afterwards we hung out in my bedroom.

I sung to him and eventually he sung along with me.

What we didn't know was my mom was standing at the door listening in ad videoing it.

She knew not to post it cause I never let her.

But after we sung me and Zach stared into eachothers eyes and smiled.

His eyes are so easy to get lost in it's crazy.

They are brown. But not an ordinary brown.

A beautiful sparkly brown.

Mesmerizing honestly.

"That was wonderful" my mom said clapping and smiling after we sung

"Mom?!?" I said

"Jack!! You and Zach sound amazing together" she says and Zach blushes

"Oh well thank you Kristen" zach says

"Your very welcome. Your guys voices harmonize so well" she says

"Thanks mom" i say.

"I cooked something are you two hungry" she asks

We nod.

We ate and then went back up to my room and took a nap.

I-I think I love him.

Crazy I know but I think I love my straight bestfriend that I've known for a week.

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