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It's Sunday now.

Great we have school tomorrow.

Zach ended up staying at my house last night, we fell asleep in my bed.

I woke up with him cuddled into my side, does he know he cuddled me?

Why am i over thinking this?

Maybe I should ask him if like we would ever be something more.

I feel like I've known him my whole life. We got to know eachother pretty well and I love it.

When he wakes up I'll ask him to go to IHOP with me and then I'll ask him there.

I know he hasn't come out as Gay or whatever but I need to know or it's gonna bother me for ever.

45 mins later.

"Zach" I said as he woke up

"Yeah jack" he said rubbing his eyes

"Wanna go to IHOP for breakfast" I asked him and he nodded

We got dressed and headed over to IHOP.

Once we go there we ordered our food and was just talking until I brought up the situation.

"Z-zach can I ask you a question" I said

"Sure What is it" he said

"Well you know how I'm gay. Would we ever be something more than you know uh friends" I said and it was silence

"Well jack. I haven't come out as gay but I actually am gay. I can't come out to my parents because I'm afraid they would disown me. The only one who knew was Daniel until I just told you. But yeah I was blowing we would become more than friends. I really like you even tho we've only known eachother for like a week." Zach said and I my heart stopped beating from the rapid pace it was at before

"So you're gay. Wow. I'm happy about that. But would you zach wanna be my boyfriend" I said

"Of course I would jack" he said and I smiled then our food came

We ate it and we walked back out to my car. Once we got in I had to ask him if he wanted to be public or not considering the circumstances.

"Zach is this gonna be a private relationship or?" I asked him

"Yes. A private one please I can't let my family find out" zach said with a begging tone

"Okay. Whatever makes you happy. I'm just happy to call you mine." I said and he smiled. We interlocked our hands and headed home.

Well I was taking him home.

(Time skip)

It was gonna be a good day.

Me and Zach are together.

I was wearing a black Thrasher hoody. Black skinny jeans. Checkered vans. My hair was just curls.

Once I got to school corbyn and Jonah ran up to me.

"Jack talk to us please" corbyn pleaded

"I'm sorry for before Jack forgive me" Jonah said

"Okay I forgive you and what do you want" I said and they let out a breath they prolly didn't even know they held

"Well, the bet how's it going" Jonah chuckled

"The bet? Oh yeah I think i forgot about that" I said

"Hmm well it's still on" Jonah said

"But I don't wanna do it anymore" I said

"Jack buddy if you don't then I will spread a horrific rumor about Zach" Jonah said and me and corbyn looked at eachother in amazement that Jonah would do that

"Jonah please don't do anything to Zach!! I won't let that happen" I said and ran into school searching zach

"Jack" Daniel said

"Daniel?" I said

"Yeah umm where is Zach" he asked me

"Why would I know" I said

"He told me about y'alls relationship" he whispered that part

"Oh uhhh. I don't know where he is I just got here" I said and as if I'm que Zach walked over to us

"Hey guys" he said

"Zach omg there you are!! Please can we be as close as before I miss hanging out with you" Daniel said

"Daniel we are as close I just hang out with jack now to" he said glancing at me

"Okay good" Daniel said and walked off waving at us

me and Zach walked to class together not holding hands of course but right shoulder to shoulder his head laying on my shoulder.
I know she'll kinda couply but can you blame us.

After classes we had lunch.

Me Zach and Daniel ate together.

But a special blonde haired bean sat with us.

"Corbyn" i said

"Jack. Please just let us be friends again" he said

"Okay. I do actually miss your company but not Jonah's" I said and he smiled

"I'm glad" he said and we ate lunch

Me and Zach were next to eachother and actually held hands under the table.

I love his touch.

After school me and corbyn hung out. I'm pretty sure Daniel and Zach did too.

"Corbyn!! You somehow need to control Jonah!! I won't let him do anything to Zach" I screamed at him

"IVE TRIED JACK I REALLY HAVE!!  But he won't budge" he screamed back at me

"CORBYN!! I- I can't let him hurt my baby" I cried

"Baby?" Corbyn said

"Yeah me and Zach are dating corbs. Don't tell anyone or I swear I'll kill myself" I said

"Aww I'm happy for you and i wont I'll keep it a secret. I wish we could call off the bet" he said

"Me too." I said

We hung out for the rest of the night. He decided on staying over which I didn't mind.

I don't know what I'm going to do about Jonah.

He's gonna ruin my relationship one way or another.

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