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July 30th
8 days till Lucas's 1st birthday.

Jack was chilling at home since it was 3:30 in the evening and he had just got back from work.

He was watching Lucas play in the floor.

Since Lucas was able to crawl jack enjoyed watching him.

Jack pulled out his phone and decided to video Lucas and post it on his insta story.

*look at little Lucas go 💕*

He wrote on it.

He picked up Lucas and put him in high chair he poured some PUFFS out on it so he could eat.


Jack checked his phone and Zach had texted him.

Zachy💍- Lucas can crawl?

J- yeah he's been able since june zach.

Zachy💍- oh...I missed it then.

J- yeah you did. But atleast you won't miss his 1st birthday cause you'll be off tour :)

Zachy💍- about that. We're extending my tour till atleast October. We are going to Europe.

J- zach your gonna miss our baby's first birthday!!

Zachy💍- I know I'm sorry

J- don't tell me your sorry. Tell Lucas that. When's he older explain to him how his papa missed his first crawl, his first rolling over, his first time eating food, even his first words most likely Zach.

Zachy💍- I'm sorry Okay I tried.

J- if you tried you would have told them you need atleast a day break to be with your family. Zach it's been almost 3 months since I've saw you. Last time we talked was on my birthday and you didn't even say I love you.

Zachy💍- I- I thought said it.

J- no you didn't.

Zachy💍- you know I love you though right?

J- no zach I don't. You make me promise to never leave but look who left.

Zachy💍- I haven't left. I'm still here.

J- you have left zach. Just go I don't want us to be the reason you don't live life.

Zachy💍- jack don't do this you are my life you and Lucas are my everything.

J- do your fans know

Zachy💍- know about what

J- us zach. Me Lucas your family

Zachy💍- I don't know. Maybe.

J- you haven't told them. Zach it's fine. Just please just go.

Zachy💍- jack why you doing this please jack.

J- I'm not breaking up with you zach. Just taking a break. You can go and get famous and if you don't forget about me and Lucas then we'll be fine. We are still together just taking a break for eachother. I love you okay.

Zachy💍- please jack i can't do this.

J- if you love me zach you will. For me you and Lucas.

Zachy💍- it feels wrong jack

J- please

Zachy💍- I love you

J- I love you too

Zachy💍- is this good bye

J- not good bye. See you soon.

Zachy💍- will you come to a show?

J- if I have time I'll try

Zachy💍- okay. I love you

J- I love you to my love bug

Zachy💍- bye jacky

J- not good bye see you soon

Zachy💍- see you soon

J- see you soon


Jack broke down crying as soon as he turned his phone off.

"Dada" Lucas said and jack cried even more

Lucas first words were dada and Zach wasn't there.

"Honey what's wrong" Kristin said walking downstairs. Once she saw her sons state she ran and hugged him.

"M-Omma w-we b-broke up" jack cried into his moms shoulder.

"Aww honey why" she said

"Because I couldn't do it anymore" he said and showed her the messages.

"Jack it'll be okay. It's just a break. When things simmer down you Guys will be okay" she said

"But mom he missed Lucas first words" jack said

"First words when" she asked excitedly

"Literally right when you walked down he said dada" jack said smiling

"Aww" she said and picked him up.

The rest of the day they stayed inside and watched movies

Jack tried not thinking about Zach but he couldn't that's all he could think about.

He loved Zach with all his heart but he doesn't know Zach loves him as much.

He hates not being together but it had to happen.

August 7th
Lucas 1st.

Everyone was at the park for Lucas first birthday.

The Herrons and Stanford's and Daniel and corbyn.

Jonah and eben couldn't make it but jack said it was okay.

"Happy Birthday my precious baby" jack said after he blew the candles out for Lucas.

The videoed it and posted it onto Lucas's Instagram that jack has to post memorable things of his baby.

Zach saw it and he was on tour of course he broke down crying. It was 5 mins till he had to be on stage for the London show and he was crying.

"Hey Zach what's wrong" Cynthia his manager asked.

"My sons 1st birthday is today and I missed it" Zach said

"You have a child" she said

"Yeah. I had him senior year." He said

"Well you can't tell anyone about him it's bad for publicity" she said and Zach was shocked.

He went on stage and sung like nothing happened.

If only Zach knew that was a mistake.

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