School sux

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I get up and it's 6:00 AM.

Why was school invented I hate school so much it's awful. It should be a choice I mean if I want to be stupid then I should be allowed to.

After thinking for a few minutes I got up and grabbed some clothes.

I put on white jeans, striped shirt, checkered vans.

I did my hygiene things and grabbed my back pack and texted Zach.

Jack❤️- hey  Zachy

Zachy💍- hey jack you ready for school?

Jack❤️- Nope

Zachy💍- it'll be fine I promise I'll see you there

Jack❤️- I guess. Bye!!


I drove to school and when I got there I saw Zach setting on a bench waiting for me whilst talking to corbyn and Daniel.

I started walking over then when corbyn ran into me...

"Omg I'm sorry" he said helping me up

"Bean chill it's fine" I said and he laughed

"I didn't notice it was you" he said and laughed

We both walked to zach and Daniel and Zach didn't see me so I decided to scare him.

"BOO" I say scaring him and he jumps.

I catch him from falling and he smacks me playfully.

"Don't scare me like that" he says and I laugh and kiss his forehead.

"I'm sorry baby" I say and he smiles

"Okay can we go in now" Daniel asked and we went into the school.

Once we got in there we were early enough to go to be cafeteria and eat. Well everyone else eat I don't really like eating breakfast.

We walked in and sat at our table...corbyn and Daniel and me and Zach.

"I'm going to go get a bagel love you" zach said and got up Daniel following behind corbyn stayed.

"Hey J how are you feeling" he asked me

"Honestly bean not worried something bads gonna happen. Even tho things are going well I'm worried" I said and he walked and sat by me pulling me into a side hug.

"Jack please don't worry yourself. I know that things are just getting better but I promise nothing is going to happen. Everything is going to be fine. Trust me" he said and then Jonah came in and sat down.

"Hey jack, corbyn" Jonah said waving at us.

"Hey jo" corbyn said

"You okay?" Jonah asked me and I nodded

"Hey Jonah" Daniel said smiling

"Hey Jojo" zach said

Everything was going good.

After breakfast we went to class.

My first one being with Zach. English.

25 minutes into class:

I placed my head into my hands and started counting.

My mom taught me that if I get stressed or feel like I'm bout to have a panic attack, which surprisingly happens often, to just count to 10 a couple times and take a deep breath. Which I what I was doing.

"1...2...3...4-" i was counting

" okay" zach asked me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"5...6...7...8...9...10" I continued counting ignoring Zach's comment.

"Mr.Avery are you okay" my teacher asked me

I started to have trouble breathing...I eventually blacked out again...

Why do these things keep happening to me...

Zach's POV

I was doing my work and I heard jack counting and taking breaths.

He doesn't ever do this...does he?

I decided to check on him.

" okay" I asked him and he ignored me.

"5...6...7...8...9...10" he kept counting

I tried checking again but he started having trouble breathing.

Mrs.Simmons came over after she noticed what was happening and people started whispering...

He couldn't breathe and ended up passing out.

I went to the nurses with him and waited for him to wake up...

2 classes later and I'm still in here.

It's been 2.5 hours and he hasn't woke up yet.

It's lunch and corbyn and Daniel came to the nurses office to check up on jack.

"Zach wanna come with us. You've missed 2 classes jack will be fine okayy" corbyn said and got up.

"Nurse I'm going to go eat lunch" I said and she nodded

When we got down there  I didn't eat. I couldn't I was stressed over jack.

The nurse said he'll be fine but I don't know.

"This morning jack told me he was stressed and was worried about stuff" corbyn said

"Do you think that could be why he passed out" I asked

"Maybe. Sometimes if your really stressed you can have a panic attack and things can happen." Jonah said

"Do you think he'll be okay" I asked

"Zach don't stress over it I'm sure he'll be fine in no time" Daniel said and I nodded

I got on my phone and just went on social media till lunch was over.

Jack ended up waking up and his mom picked him up...I left with them.

"Jack I'm sorry I wasn't able to help" I said after we got home

"It's not your fault Zachy" he said "imma take a nap" he said and fell asleep

I ended up talking with his mom till I left.

I hope he's okay.

Sorry for slow updates.
School sucks.

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