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When the jack and Zach got home they went up to the apartment.

Once in there zach spoke.

"Well goodnight jack" Zach said going to the couch

"Zach come on you can sleep with me tonight I know the couch is uncomfortable" jack said and Zach was shocked

"Are you sure it won't make you uncomfortable" zach said

"Zach we've done much more than share a bed before so no it won't" jack said laughing

Once they got in there zach sat on the far left and jack was on the right.

They had so much space in between them you'd think they were strangers.

"Zach" jack whispered

"Yeah Jack" zach asked

"C-can I c-cuddle you" jack asked

"Yeah you can" zach said

Jack scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around him.

Zach relaxed once he was in jacks arms.

"I'm sorry jack. For everything. I'm glad your going on the date with me tomorrow" zach said

"It's okay Zachy. I've missed you" jack said

"I've missed you so much too" zach said

They looked at eachother before slowly touching lips.

The kiss was soft and filled with need.

They didn't just want to kiss it was like they needed each other's touch.

It had been far to long for both of them.

"I love you jack" Zach said

"I love you to Zachy" jack said and they fell asleep.

The next morning Zach was woke up by someone coming into the apartment.

"Jack!!" Corbyn called out

Corbyn opened up the bedroom door to see zach fluttering his eyes open.

"Oh" corbyn said

"Corbyn?" Zach asked

"I Uh I came to see if jack wanted to hang out and the door was open so. Wait are you two?" Corbyn said

"Oh. No well we I don't know it's a long story" Zach said

"Well tell jack I stopped by. I'll see y'all later" Corbyn said before leaving

Zach laid back down and jacks grasp got tighter.

"Jack we got to get up" zach said

"No 5 more minutes" jack mumbled

"Come on Jack pleaseeee I want to get breakfast" zach whined

"IHOP" jack said

"IHOP" zach said and jack let go.

Jack put on gray joggers and a black hoodie with some vans.

Zach put on black nice shorts a hoodie and Nike's.

Jack drove them and they jammed out to Zach's playlist.

"JACK SAY HI" Zach said while videoing for his insta story

"HIIII" jack said

Before they knew it they were already at IHOP.

Once they got in there the waitress took them to there seat.

Zach was a blushing mess.

He didn't know why but he was nervous.

They ordered and then talked.

"So this is a date" jack said

"Indeed it is" zach said

"I guess your the one asking me out this time huh" jack said

"Mhmm"zach said and they talked about other things.

"Jack do you think Lucas will be happy living at my house" zach asked

"It'll be a big change considering he's really only known my house and my moms." Jack said

"Yeah your right." Zach mumbled

"But knowing Lucas as long as Uncle Torbyn, Daniel, and Joah are next door he'll be happy" jack said with a smile

"I hope so" zach said smiling too

They got there food and finished eating.

Once outside Zach asked the question.

"Jack it's kinda early but would you be boyfriend again. I promise to never leave you or Lucas and to be there for you when you need me. I love you jack" Zach said and jack kissed him.

It was a long kiss.

It was passionate.

"Woah" zach said

"Mhmm. And that's a yes by the way" jack said and they laughed.

When they got back to the apartment it was already 10:30 AM. They had to pick Lucas back up soon so they decided to head to the park.

The same park they hung out as teenagers.

"Do you ever miss it" jack asked

"What?" Zach said

"Highschool. How easy things were." Jack said

"Yeah all the time. I miss junior year so much. All I worried about was soccer and my grades. I had you corbyn and Daniel and Jonah. But I don't miss the drama we had or being pregnant at a young age" zach said

"Yeah I miss it too. I think about you being pregnant a lot. And how our lives would be if Lucas wasn't here. But then I remember how blessed I am to have him" jack said

"Yeah we are blessed" zach said

They hung out at the park acting like they were 17 again.

Then they picked up Lucas and headed back home.

Soon they would be living at Zach's and being a family again.

Jack hoped everything would be right in his life like he wanted.

All you can do is hope.

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