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I went to school and as soon as I walked in corbyn ran to me.

That's the first time in awhile.

"Jack!! Hey bub what's up" he said putting his arm around my shoulder

"Uh corbyn what are you doing" I asked him

"You ready for tonight" he asked me

"Do I have to go? I mean corbyn I'm not really up to it" I said

"Jack you need to have fun. This will make you have fun and get loose you haven't been able to in awhile. And yes you have too I even talked to your mom about it" he said and I was shocked

"You talked to my mom??" I asked and he nodded

After school I went home and changed.

I didn't really want to but I had to go to this party so I had to look decent.

I threw my hair in a bun and put on some black ripped skinny jeans, my nirvana shirt, and my checkered vans.

I looked okay I guess.

Corbyn soon pulled up with Daniel and Jonah in the car.

"Jack hey I'm sorry for everything that happened please forgive Me" Jonah said

"It's fine jo. I forgive you" I said and he thanked me

It's not his fault this all happened it mostly mine.

Once we pulled up to the house corbyn said it was ebens party.

I nodded and we walked in.

Some people were already here and were already drunk and or high.

Honestly I don't see how since it just started supposedly.

I decided to go to the kitchen and get something to drink.

Once I got a drink go whatever alcohol was at this party, it burned at first but a few drinks later it felt good.

Daniel and corbyn were dancing seductively were everyone else was and Jonah was kissing on some girl.

And then I saw him.


He was alone heading over to me, or maybe just the kitchen.

I saw kay dancing with Gabbie and having a good time.

I looked at my phone and it had already been 45 minutes that I had been here.

It went by fast.

Zach seemed drunk.

"Hey jack" he said not even slurring his words.
Maybe he wasn't drunk.

"Uh hi Zach" I said

I had only had one drink.

"I'm sorry." He said and I was confused

"For what?" I asked him

"For everything. For breaking up with you. For ditching you. For yelling at you. Everything" he said and I was shocked

"Your Sorry? Is that why you got a girlfriend and ignored me for all this time. Left me broken and in pain while you made out and partied? Or are you sorry for me getting depression and not eating or sleeping? Or better yet are you sorry for letting me fall in love with you and staying in love with you while you just up and forgot about me??" I asked him while I was about to break down.

"Jack..." he said before I fell to the ground and started hyperventilating

"Jack!! Breathe...baby breathe. Dont pass out jack not again. Listen to my voice okay. Breathe in and out..." zach said and I started to calm down or so I thought.

I ended up blacking out.

When I woke I was in Zach's bed.


I rolled over and saw Zach there he wasn't in the bed but he was setting at his desk.

He must have noticed I woke up because he stood up and rushed to me.

"Jack are you okay??" He asked me

"Why?" I asked him

"Why what?" He asked me

"Why did you bring me here? Why didn't you just leave me alone" I asked him

"Because Jack. I couldn't leave you there. I still care about you. Jack I'm sorry. I'm sorry I never told you I loved you. It was hard for me. I couldn't let myself do that. I have trust issues that no one knows about. And I'm sorry I left you jack I was hurt. I thought you used me but after I saw your state of health afterwards and how broken you were I knew you still loved me but it was complicated because I started dating kay. Don't get me wrong she's nice but I'm gay and I love you" he said

"Don't lie to me zach. I can't go through all of that again. I haven't even gotten over all of it yet. Please don't lie" I said

"Baby I'm not lieing I love you. I'm ready to tell you that. I Zachary Dean Herron love you jack Robert Avery" he said and I kissed him

I kissed him for the first time in a long time.

It was just as amazing as before.

"Wait you are still with Kay. I can't let her go through what I did" i said

He grabbed his phone and called her.

"Kay I'm sorry but I have to break up with you. I still love jack. I know I'm sorry. Thank you for accepting it. Alright bye kay" he said and ran to me

He smiled and hugged me and we fell backwards into the bed.

He kept smiling and kissing all over my face and jawline he stared kissing down my neck and left love bites all over it.

He eventually found my soft spot and I gasped.

It felt amazing.

But the make out session didn't turn into anything more.

And I didn't care.

That night me and Zach had an amazing time.

I didn't cry.

And I actually slept.

I slept in his arms.

His safe arms.

I was happy.

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