The end

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October 31st

Zach and jack instead of going out for Halloween Daniel and corbyn were gonna take Lucas and Sylas trick or treating.

Corbyn and Daniel were excited to take Sylas for his first halloween with them and they were happy to have Lucas to.

Jonah and eben were also going with dorbyn because they hadnt seen Sylas and Lucas in a little bit.

But Zach and jack were staying home and having a mini date night.

Time skip
After Lucas left.

Jack had cooked a little meal.
It wasn't even a full meal.

Just some cereal and some icecream.

I know best meal ever.

But it was kind of special to jack.

Zach was setting up the Netflix in his Bedroom they were gonna watch some movies whilst cuddling.

Afterwards Zach came downstairs.

"Jack what did you make" Zach asked

"Uh some cap n crunch and some icecream" jack said and Zach laughed

"Seriously jack of all things" zach said while laughing

"Hey it actually means something" jack said

"What does it mean" Zach asked confused

"Welllll cap n crunch was the first thing we ate together. When we skipped school that day and came home and after cuddling for the very first time we ate it. And the ice-" jack was cut off by jack

"The ice cream was what we had on our first date with our first Kiss it's also why we name Lucas. Lucas Bleu" zach said and jack smiled

"I know it's cheesy but I like savoring these memories zach" jack said leaning on the counter

"Baby I know you do. You always have. And that's one of the many reasons I love you. I like remembering these things when you bring them up because then I remember them too. The exact moments that happened. Everytime. Jack you make me remember things that I wouldn't remember otherwise. Just like when I went on tour I kept looking back at our old pictures and even videos that I had saved on Snapchat and Instagram. And the music I made because of the feelings you made me feel jack. I've told you I loved you so many times but I just want you to know how much I mean it" zach said and jack smiled the biggest smiled and kissed him.

"I do know how much you love Zachy. I love you so very much too. You mean the world to me. Always have. And always will" jack said and Zach kissed him again.

They sat down and ate the food then went upstairs and laid down and cuddled.

Of course jack was the big spoon like always.

"You know zach this don't feel right" jack said

"What do you mean jacky" Zach asked

"Watching Netflix and cuddling in this bed. It's just weird" jack said and Zach was confused on to what he meant.

"I don't think I fully understand what you mean jack" Zach said

"I know it's weird but I'm just so used to us being in your bed and my bed at our houses." Jack said and Zach laughed

"Baby that's cute." Zach said

"It's not cute it's weird" jack Said

"No jacky it's cute" zach said and kissed his forehead

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