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Warning: male pregnancy.

It's been 3 weeks since that day and Zach hasn't felt worst.

School started back today and Zach wasn't looking forward to it.

He felt sick all the time and puked every morning since that day.

Jack didn't know what to do,

He tried to help his boyfriend but it didn't work that well.

He was always craving things and felt sick.

Corbyn thought he knew what was going on so he talked to Daniel.

"Daniel I think Zach's pregnant" corbyn said and Daniel gasped.

"How!? He's a guy" Daniel said

"Baby, it's very rare but some guys can be born with women parts" corbyn said and Daniel nodded

"I guess so your right. But how do we find out for sure" Daniel asked

"We can get zach an appointment for an ultrasound. Well have to convince him and jack to go and also his mom" corbyn said and Daniel nodded.

That day at lunch corbyn told Jonah, jack and Zach the plan and they agreed.

At first Zach's couldn't grasp his head around it.

He doesn't want to be pregnant they are juniors in highschool not to mention he's a guy.

That day after school zach told his mom and she agreed to take them.

So jack and Zach were heading to the doctor.

When they got to the back zach was laid on the bed in a gown.

They put the gel stuff on his stomach and the machine started to make a noise.

There was a heartbeat.

"Congrats you are pregnant" the nurse said and Zach cried.

"How can I be pregnant I'm a guy!!" Zach cried

"Baby it's okay. We can get through this. I promise" jack said and held his boyfriends hand.

"Hunny it'll be fine. Don't worry you have me your dad your friends and jack here for you" Myta said and Zach nodded.

"Your 3 weeks pregnant." The nurse said and Zach and jack looked at eachother.

They hadn't done it since that night so things added up.

After the appointment they went home and jack had his family go to the Herrons.

They all sat in the living room.

Jack and Zach and Sydnie and on one couch.

Myta kristen darrin and Josh on the other.

Ava and Ryan reese and isla were in the floor.

"So Guys me and zach have some news." Jack said

"Okay hun what is it" Kristin asked

"Well you see, zach is pregnant. And before you ask yes it's possible very rare but possible. Myta took us to the doctor ealrier and we found out" jack said and sighed.

"Wait. Zachy is pregnant" reese asked

"Yes baby I have a baby in my belly" zach said and reese smiled

"Yay isla we are going to be aunties" reese said and isla and her hugged.

They went up to play dolls while everyone stayed downstairs.

"How are you gonna finish highschool zach your gonna be pregant and then have a baby before you are 18" Ryan asked

"Yeah. Jack your gonna have a son or daughter to so what's gonna happen" Ava asked

"Well we will both stay in school. I'll have to try and get a job and hopefully you guys can help watch the baby sometimes. I know it's a lot to ask but please" jack said and held Zach's hand.

"Of course we will help. I work from home so I can watch the baby while y'all are at school" Myta said

"And I can help watch it when everyone else can't I'm gonna try and help the best I can since I don't have a job and do college online" Sydnie said

"Thank you guys so much I know we can do this together. It's a big responsibility to take on especially at 16/17 but we can do it" jack said and Zach cried

"Hey you crying baby" jack asked

"It's the hormones" zach said and everyone laughed.

They had a nice family dinner and then the Stanford/Avery family had to leave.

"Zachy listen we can do this I know we can. I'm never gonna leave you nor my love bug. I promise you we can do it. Okay?" Jack said and Zach cried again and hugged him.

"Jack I'm scared. What if something happens? What if we can't do it?" Zach said

"Baby I know we can. We have 9 months to prepare we will work things out. Okay" jack said pulling away from Zach.

"Okay. Just please promise you won't leave..." zach said once again.

"I promise."jack said and they hugged again and then jack left.

At school the next day the couple told the news to there friends.

Corbyn Daniel and Jonah all congratulated them and told them they would be there to help to.

The young couple was not ready for the wild ride they would be going on.

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