Chips ;)

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It's been a month.
It's now December.

Jack and Zach have been together for 1 month now. Which they were both doing great.

Daniel and corbyn were amazing.
Everyone wants a relationship like theres.
But it turned out they had been dating the week jack at Zach started talking.
So like 3 months now.

But it's not Christmas break which means no school. Which mean jack and Zach can hang out more.

Zach is over at jacks right now and they are alone.

Jacks parents are gone to work, Sydnie is at a friends, and Ava and isla are actually at Zach's.

"Jackyyyyy" zach said ad they sat in jacks bed.

"Yes baby" jack asked looking down at his boyfriend that was laying in his arms.

"I'm hungry" zach said and jack laughed.

"It's only 9:30 we just ate breakfast" jack said and Zach pouted.

"Please can we eat something again" zach asked and jack shrugged.

"Fine. Let's go" jack said and stood up.

"Can you carry meeeee" zach asked and jack nodded and leaned down for zach to jump on his back.

Once they got to the kitchen jack sat zach on the counter.

He walked closer to him sliding between his legs with his arms set on either side of Zach.

"What do you want Zachy" jack said and Zach smiled.

"Can you kiss me" he asked and jack smiled.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to Zach's then pulled back.

"There. Now what do you want to eat" he asked

"Ughhh. Can we have noodles" zach asked and laughed afterwards.

Jack hit his chest with his hand and gasped.

"How dare you want to eat my hair. Do you not know how much that hurts me" jack said dramatically

"Fine can we just have a sandwhich and chips" zach asked and jack nodded.

He made the food while Zach was watching him still on the counter.

Once he finished he sat the food down and sat in front of zach.

Zach didn't move so he continued eating while staying on the counter.

"You know zach, your beautiful" jack said and Zach blushed.

"So are you" zach responded

"Your precious. You make me so happy. And that's why I love you" jack said

"I love you too" zach said and sat up so he could completely face jack.

Jack stood up out there trash away and reached for Zach.

Zach wrapped his arms around Zach's neck and jack held onto Zach's thighs.

Once they got into his room he sat zach on the bed on got over top of him.

Zach laughed.

"What's so funny" jack said

"I don't know" he said and laughed again.

Jack started kissing Zach and he kissed back

Zach took off his shirt and so did jack.

He continued kissing him and moved to his jawline then down his neck leaving marks.

He went from his neck to his chest kissing all over it and leaving love marks in places.

He eventually reached the edge of Zach's pants and Zach stood up and took them off leaving him only in his boxers along with jack.

Jack started kissing Zach again and it was even more heated.

Kisses fillies with love affection and want.

Eventually jack made it to the hem of Zach's boxers.

"May I" he asked and Zach nodded.

"Please" zach responded and jack took them off.

(Yeah I'm not writing smut this little make out session was cringe so like yeah)

Afterwards the boys laid in jacks bed.

"Wow" zach said

"Wow indeed" jack responded.

Zach was a virgin but jack wasn't.

Surprising I know.

"That was amazing" zach said and jack laughed.

"Yeah it was" he said

They cuddled and watched Netflix until lunch.

Then they ate and went and watched more Netflix.

It was a good start to Christmas break...

Omg that was so cringeworthy like wow.

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