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"Zach....I love you" I whispered and the rest of the night I stayed up thinking about what to say the next morning.

Not just to Zach but to my mom Daniel and corbyn.

Even to myself.

Before I knew it the sun was rising and Zach was still asleep.

I watched him be so peaceful and not having a care in the world which is easy when you're in a deep slumber.

I tried to sleep even if it was early...but I couldn't some one knocked on my window.

It completely startled me.

She opened the door and I noticed it was Zach's mom....shit she doesn't know about me and Zach. I thought. But I said it out loud.

"Hun..you must be jack. And I do know about you 2 he told me this week. But y'all didn't do the nasty last night did you" she asked

"No of course not. We just fell asleep back here because he didn't want to have to walk into the house" I said and she laughed

"You look tired did you sleep?" She asked me and I shook my head

"Well I have to go to work but you can go inside and go back to bed." She said and I smiled

"Thank you" i said she left and I carried Zach up stairs

Once we got up there I laid him down and sat in the floor.

I started to cry.

I full on sobbed.

I was having a panic attack.

Zach must have woken up because before I knew it I heard someone calling my name but I blacked out.

Zach's POV

I woke up to noises that sounded like someone was crying.

I looked down and jack was having trouble breathing.

I didn't remember coming home last night so I was confused and thought I was dreaming then I remembered all the events last night.

Jack started to black out so I jumped out of bed and was yelling his name.


I may have hated him but I still was in love with him.

I placed his head in my chest...and later he woke up.

I was playing with his hair and he fluttered his eyes open to look at me.

Once he noticed who I was he moved quickly off of me.

"Jack..."I said. Hurt that he wasn't comfortable being in my arms.

"First let me speak. I'm so sorry. I know I'm a screw up. I know I shouldn't have done the bet but if I didn't I wouldn't had realized how in love with you I am. Dammit Zach I'm so in love with you I can't function at times. You put that affect on me and I don't know how to stop it. I've screwed up a lot and I know that. I didn't want to tell you about the bet because I didn't want to lose you. After we ft the first time I fell in love with everting about you and how you could bring out my happiness. Zachary I love you so much. I can't help it. Please forgive me" jack cried out I couldn't forgive him.

"No. Im not forgiving you. You used me. I thought you loved me and wanted to become my friend at first. This whole relationship was a game to you. Try and make yourself sleep better at night by saying you didn't mean for it to happen. Jack you control your actions not corbyn nor Jonah. Sure it was wrong what Jonah did yesterday but if he didn't I would have still been played by you." I said and he looked hurt

"I'm sorry zach. I'll leave clearly I'm not wanted here. I apologized for my actions and explained what happened. But I can't force you to forgive me. I understand. I love you. I'll never stop loving you. Zachary Dean Herron I want to marry you one day...but that'll never happen. Bye zachy. I love you" he said and slowly walked away.

I heard him crying as he walked away.

After he was gone I cried to.

I just lost the love of my life and didn't say I love you back before he left.

"FUCK" I yelled and laid in bed and fell asleep.

Jacks POV
(Time skip)

I got ready for school Monday Morning.

I threw on a black nike hoodie and black sweat pants and my black vans. I put my hair in a bun and drove to school.

I didn't sleep at all last night.

I can't stop thinking of Zach.

I told corbyn what happened and he apologized.

Daniel heard from corbyn and he forgave me.

The only one who didn't was Zach.

Once I got to school and I grabbed my books and sat in front of my locker.

I got a notification from my phone. It was mine Zach's 1 week anniversary yesterday and today was the day I was gonna take Zach on another date.

I had sat a reminder. My lock screen was of me and Zach so I broke down crying again.

This time in front of the whole school.

What makes it worst is Zach, Daniel, and corbyn all walked in and stared at me.

I stood up and punched my locker like my life depended on it.

A few people jumped in fear including zach.

I ran to the bathroom and I screamed once again.

I was tired of everything.

I was tired of my life


Being a fuck up

Failing everyone

Being an ass

And losing the love of my life

I hate myself.

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