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December 23
Lucas is 5 months.
Christmas break.

Jack and Zach were of course at mytas i mean they live there so yah.

They were in the living room playing with Lucas.

"Baby i can't believe it" zach said

"Can't believe what Zachy" jack asked facing his boyfriend.

"It's been a year since we first done it and had Lucas I mean he's 5 months now almost half a year old" Zach said looking at jack

"I know time sure does fly by. Not to mention we graduate highschool In 5 months" jack said

"Does it have to happen so fast" zach said

"I wish it didn't b-" jack was cut off by the giggles of his precious child.

"Awww" zach and jack said

Myta was in the kitchen when she saw the cute moment and decided to take a picture and then sent it in gc.

"Zach, jack lunch is done do you want any" she asked

"Sure. We will be in there in a second" zach said

Jack took Lucas from Zach's grasp and placed him in his play pen.

They both walked into the kitchen were Ryan and reese and myta were sat.

"Jack later can we go over to your house so I can see Isla" reese asked

"Yes we can. Actually that would be great mom wanted to see Lucas today anyways. Ryan you wanna come to Ava would probably want to hang out" jack said

"Sure. Me and her are supposed to go hang out with our group today at the arcade anyways" Ryan said

"Okay Myta do you care if we go after lunch" jack asked

"Yeah sure" she said and they finished eating.

Afterwards reese and Ryan went and got dressed and jack grabbed Lucas's things and they got in the car.

"Zach why didn't you go" Myta asked

"I have to go to the cafe today" zach responded

"Oh. How's your singing been anyways" Myta asked

"I've wrote a couple songs people seem to enjoy them and I get decent amount of money of it so it's good. I just hope I can get signed to a company some day" zach responded

"I'm sure you will baby" Myta said

Zach headed to work and jack was still at Kristin's.

Sydnie was playing with Lucas while Kristin and jack were talking.

"Honey what do you plan on doing after school? You will need a steady job and a home to take care of Lucas" she said

"I know mom. I hope to have a steady job and a hole for me zach and Lucas but I don't know when it'll happen." Jack said running his hand through his hair.

"Well it'll be okay. You still have a few months don't stress over it okay." She said and jack nodded

"Do you think that Lucas will be happy" jack asked

"What do you mean" she asked

"Like. Will he be happy with 2 dads that had him when they were in highschool. What if I don't do a good enough job mom" jack said and his mom grabbed his hand.

"Honey of course he will be happy with you and Zach you guys are his parents. And you will do a great job you already are you and Zach love him and that's all that matters" she said kissing his hand

Jack gave her a hug and thanked her.

"Thank you mom. I'm sorry I moved out"he said and his mother chuckled.

"Honey you live 5 minutes down the road it ain't that big of a deal" she said and jack laughed.

Later on Ryan reese and jack went back home. Zach wasn't home yet even though it was 3:00 Pm.

But jack was used to him getting home later than he was supposed to.

Jack warmed Lucas up a bottle and put him in bed. He was taking a nap.

"Hey jack" Ryan said

"Yeah bud" jack asked

"What if zach becomes a big pop singer? What will you and Lucas do" Ryan asked

"Well hopefully Zach will become successful and im sure me and Lucas will be right along side him" jack said

"Yeah but I've saw on tv and in books were when someone gets famous they leave there family and loved ones behind" Ryan said and jack thought for a second.

He's thought about it many times before but never thought it would happen.

"Well Zach ain't the type of person to do that. He would never leave me or Lucas or any of us behind. He loves all of us" jack said

Zach had gotten home ruby when Ryan had asked the question but he wanted to know what jack would say.

Zach re-closed the door and pretended to come in.

"Hey jacky" zach said hugging him

"Hey babe. How was work" jack asked

"It was good" zach said

They watched TV and then ate supper and went into there room.

Time skip

Jack and Zach laid down in bed after putting Lucas to sleep.

"Hey Zach" jack said as he and Zach were Cuddled up.

"Yeah" zach asked

"You know what will happen if you get a record deal" jack asked

"Well if I do then I'll be making music and will have better income and me you and Lucas will be able to move out" zach said in response

"But you'll be going on Tour all the time and me and Lucas will be at home." Jack said

"Do you think I'm gonna leave you" zach asked

"No of course not. But what if" jack said

"Please can we talk about this another time" zach said

"Yeah" jack said

Jack thought to himself. 'He made me promise not to ever leave but I didn't think he would. I should've asked him to promise me that. But what if he don't leave you. But what if he does.'

That night jack stayed up thinking about what would happen and how things would go. He barely got any sleep.

He was scared....

Guys were about to have another time jump. I'm sorry but it's to make things go slightly faster.

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