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There was a knock on my stall door that I had ran into.

"Jack" they said

I didn't answer.

"Jack please open up" the voice said

I knew that voice it was corbyn.

"Corbyn I don't want to talk right now" I said and somehow he opened the door.

He saw my state and it was bad.

He ran in and hugged me.

"Jack, lets go you need to eat. Have you eaten since the weekend. I know it's only Monday but you love food" he says and I shake my head

We ended up skipping all our classes till lunch. We walked into the lunch room me still having red eyes from crying all day.

Me and corbyn had sat in the bathroom talking the whole time about what's been happening and how I can get Zach back.

As we walked into the cafeteria I saw Zach setting ya lit normal table with Daniel...I got in the lunch line with corbyn and got some food.
Corbyn ended up giving me his too.

Corbyn tried getting me to set with him and Zach and Daniel. I kept telling him no but he drug me over there.

I sat by him and Zach was across from me. I ate mine and Corbyns food and never looked up until Daniel spoke up.

"So what happened between you two? I know what happened at the fair but not the reason why. And I deserve to know too especially since it involves my friends." Daniel said and I looked up tears in my eyes remembering the event.

Zach spoke up.

Not me.


"Well...jack broke my heart. Lied to me. Broke me. Used me. Anything you don't want to happen is what happened" zach said tears rolling down his cheeks.

He was lieing.

I never used him.

Hell I did lie to him but because I didn't want him to find out.

But I never broke his heart...I told him I loved him. He never told me.

"Really I broke your heart zach. When were together I told you I loved you and you never said it back. How do I even know you wanted to be with me and weren't using me as an experiment?? That's right I dont" I said

"Really jack you think I lied to you what the hell ever Avery bye. I'm done with you. For now on don't tlak to me or look at me." Zach said he didn't even leave the table. He just looked down.

"Y'all need to stop. I'm over it. Jack loves you zach you know it. You forgave me for helping with the bet. I mean the day after he called you the first time he told me he wanted to end it but Jonah wouldn't let him. Bet you didn't know that did you??" Corbyn said

"I don't believe you corbyn. I'm done with all of you" zach said and got up and left

Daniel stayed for reasons unknown.

I left to.

I left the school.

1 month later
October 15th

It's been a month.

I didn't go to school for a week.

Once I got back things changed.

Jonah and I haven't talked since the fight.

Corbyn is my only friend.

Daniel went back to Zach but still talks to corbyn, they hang out a lot.

Zach hasn't even looked my way.

I sure have looked his though.

I do everytime I see him.

But he doesn't look mine.

I've even seen him hanging out with another girl.

Kay Cook.

She's popular here.

I mean she's the head cheerleader along side Gabbie Gonzalez.

Gabbie's nice we've talked a couple times but as friends of course I am gay.

October 27th

It's only 4 days till Halloween.

Zach and Kay started dating.

I cried once I heard.

I've stopped talking to corbyn.

And he understands I'm going through stuff.

The only thing I do is sing and skateboard.

I go to school usually leave at lunch and go to the skate park.

Zach looked at me once.

He even tried walking over and talking to me.

I ran off.

I dont want to hear what he has to say anymore.

I'm done with him.

I'm done.


I don't love him anymore.

I wish atleast.

I lied.

I do still love him and that's why I don't want to be around him.

I can't let myself fall back in love with him even if I never fell out.

He sure did though....

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