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June 3rd
1 year later.

It's been a year.

Zach was touring again.

He was famous now.

A year later and he was huge.

Nobody knew about jack, Lucas, corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, eben, the Stanford's.

Only about zach and the Herrons.

No one knew that on July 30th zach and jack broke up.

No one knew that on August 7th zach had a child in the cafeteria.

No one knew that Zach had a messed up love life with jack.

No one knew that Zach had missed his child first birthday and first words because of his tour.

No one knew Zach Herron.

Even worst no one knew that after that last text Zach never contacted jack again.

Jack was sat in his apartment with Lucas.
Lucas was already walking.
He was smart like his daddy. Zach that is.

It was a Saturday which meant jack didn't have work.

Jack had owned his own restaurant it was an Italian restaurant and he could take off work anytime considering he owned the place.

He lived in a 2 bedroom apartment just for him and Lucas.

Corbyn and Daniel lived next door and Jonah and eben lived next to them.

They never didn't see eachother.

Lucas was growing to be a gorgeous baby.

Well almost 2 year old.

He had the best uncles.

Uncle Torbyn, Daniel, Joah, even.

Besides Ryan, reese, isla, Ava, and syndie of course.

Jack still brought Lucas over to see the Herrons just not as much. He tried to atleast once a week.

He wad grateful for how much a help they were but he just hated being there because of the memories of Zach.

"Dada" Lucas said

"Yes baby" jack said picking him up and setting him in his lap.

"Can we see uncle torbyn" he asked and jack Chuckled

"Sure lets go see if he's home" jack said and walked outside

He knocked on the door and corbyn answered.

"Oh hey jack" corbyn said

"Hey corbyn. Lucas wanted to come say hi" jack said and corbyn smiled

"Hey lucas. You guys wanna go to the park" corbyn asked

"Pwease dada" Lucas said

"Sure. Is Daniel home" jack asked

"No he's at work" corbyn said

"Okay let's go then" and they headed to the park

One of Zach's songs came on.

8 letters.

Zach had wrote that album after they broke up and jack knew it was about him.

Anyone who knew the couple knew it was.

"Dada who swings tis" Lucas asked

And jack looked at him.

"Why do you wanna know bud" corbyn asked

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